3 Keys to Avoiding Deadly Skin Cancer

skin cancer

suntan_googleimages_5-10-15Summer is coming. Take these 3 easy steps to protect yourself and your family.

I grew up and still live in Southern California. I have spent my life in the sun, and most of my younger years with no thought of protecting my skin from sun damage.

Having a tan was “cool”, even a sign of health! Now we know better.

Protecting our skin from excessive sun exposure is now part of our awareness.  I am careful not to be out in the midday sun, to use protection, do regular self exams and see my dermatologist 1-2 times each year for a thorough exam.

I also make it a point to eat a diet rich in protective antioxidants.  This is pretty easy to do if you “Eat the Rainbow” and fill your plate with colorful and deeply pigmented fruits and vegetables.  I have included a chart for you below.  It’s my favorite way to eat!!!

Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer. It can rapidly spread throughout the body.

The more common and less dangerous forms of skin cancer: squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas are prevented by protecting the skin from sun exposure, while deadly melanoma skin cancers are actually less common in people who work outdoors and more common in people who work indoors!

Find a balance by avoiding sun exposure from 11AM-2PM, wearing hats and protective clothing and using a healthy sunscreen (I use DeVita Ultra Solar, a chemical free 50 SPF cream).

3 Ways to Enhance Resistance to Deadly Melanoma Skin Cancers:

1.  Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels.  Ask your health care provider to check your Vitamin D levels.  Optimal blood levels of 25 OH Vitamin D are between 55-80 ng/dl. You may want to adjust your diet and/or supplement if your levels are low.

    1. 2.  Optimize Omega 3 Oils in Your Diet. There are a variety of delicious foods high in Omega 3 oils, such as cold water fish and chia seeds; however, you may also want to use an Omega 3 supplement, such as Omegavail Ultra with Vitamin D.
  1. 3.  Eat a diet rich in protective high antioxidant foods.  Eat lots of colorful plant foods or supplement with concentrated plant powders such as Paleo Greens or Paleo Reds. See the chart below to get the ideas flowing. You can incorporate protective foods more easily than you might think!


Found in these foods …


Sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, collard greens, and most yellow/orange veggies


Tomatoes (including in cooked form in sauces, etc.), watermelon, papaya, pink guava


Spinach, kale, peas, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, pistachios, broccoli, egg yolks

Epi­gallocatechin gallate (ECGC) and polyphenols

Green and black tea, rosemary, thyme, oregano, garlic, cocoa


Citrus, especially citrus peel


Cocoa, grape seeds

Cruciferous veggies

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale

Always see a dermatologist if you spot anything changing, itching or bleeding on your skin. Any area of your skin that does not heal, any changing or irregular moles, persistent areas of discoloration or changes in texture may be signs of skin cancer.

May Day, the first day of the Month of May has been a traditional day of festivities throughout the centuries. May Day is most associated with celebrating springtime fertility of the soil, livestock and people.

The tradition began after the fields were seeded and it was time to take a day off to celebrate and to pray for an abundant harvest in summer and fall.

In some cultures there was a dance around the Maypole and the giving of flowers and sweets.  Take this opportunity to plant a seed in your own life that will flower and bloom and bring sweetness into your life!

Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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