
The conversation we had may have changed my life more than any other. It was a wake up call, a call to action. I cannot express how grateful I am.
- D.C.
32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer® is a book we all need to read. Dr. Nalini Chilkov is one of the most trusted experts in the cancer field and in this book she shares the best of her thirty years of experience to help you prevent cancer and more.
- Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM
Dr. Chilkov’s programs are masterful. You will feel empowered by her toolbox of natural medicine & diet and lifestyle guidelines that are the root of cancer prevention, cancer recovery, and a long and healthy life.
- Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D.
New York Times Best Selling Author of The Hormone Cure
Her encouragement to use this illness to create life changing habits was empowering and the comfort of knowing that she will be in my corner for a long time to come is a huge emotional boost.
- K.M.
Just read the book in one sitting and gifted it to 5 friends. Wellness expert Dr. Nalini Chilkov provides easy, practical, and joyous actions we can take to help prevent cancer in ourselves and loves ones... Sound and practical advise we all can follow, just need to remind ourselves. Beat the odds of 1 out of 3... Keep this book handy and reread it often!
- Josephine Gross, Ph.D.
Dr. Nalini Chilkov is a pioneer in the field of Integrative Cancer Care, Cancer Prevention, Immune Enhancement and Functional Medicine. She has been instrumental in developing models of truly collaborative care demonstrating that cancer patients have better outcomes and can and do survive and thrive when an individualized health model is included in their care plan. She combines the wisdom of Chinese Medicine with the latest scientific research in cancer physiology, nutritional science, botanic and lifestyle medicine to achieve these ends. Dr. Chilkov is an invaluable resource to both patients and clinicians who are concerned about creating a plan for health in the midst of the challenges and complexities of cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and recovery and investing in the health side of the equation.
- Dr. Frank Lipman, MD
I was diagnosed with stage IIIc ovarian cancer in July 2009. After the initial shock, I got busy putting together an amazing team of practitioners to get me through this ordeal. My team included Dr. Nalini Chilkov. Without her guidance and expertise, I don’t think I could have gotten through the a major abdominal surgery and chemotherapy. She gave me options for my hospital stay to quicken my recovery. I was released from the hospital after only 5 days! 4 months of grueling treatment was very difficult but would have been much worse if not for the support of complementary medicine recommended by Dr. Chilkov. She also put together a plan to keep me healthy post treatment . Two years later, I am thrilled to say that I am doing great, am healthier and happier than ever, and plan to stay that way for many years to come! Traditional cancer treatments cannot do much beyond conventional chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Dr. Chilkov fills in the gaps left by western medicine with the health end of the equation. Her impressive understanding of oncology from a western medical stand point makes communicating with my doctors easy. I am forever grateful for the compassionate, caring and in depth knowledge that she continues to impart; I am indebted to Dr. Chilkov and am so appreciative to have her in my life and on my team.
- D.W.
Ovarian Cancer Patient
Dr. Nalini Chilkov is my number one resource for cutting edge cancer info. She is on the leading edge of Integrative Cancer Care. I have sent my closest friends to her.
- JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS
Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert Best Selling Author, The Virgin Diet
Dr. Chilkov is an invaluable resource for creating a plan for health in the midst of the challenges and complexities of cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and recovery and investing in the health side of the equation.
- Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.
New York Times Best Selling Author & Founder of the Ultra Wellness Center
This book is amazing. It will answer all of the questions that are in your mind, but have no one to ask. If you have cancer, your Oncologist will not have the answers for you. If you do not have cancer and want to keep it that way, this book is full of the guidance that you need. Dr. Nalini is amazing. Full of wisdom gathered from her years of doing this. If you want to calm your mind and bring some peace to your life, this book will help you begin to get there.
- M.K.
My wonderful Oncologist recommended I see Doctor Nalini just prior to starting Chemotherapy for breast cancer, which had spread to a spot on my collarbone. Dr. Nalini immediately got to work on detoxifying my liver and readying me for the treatments. For every side effect that came up she had a handy herb, tonic, nutrition suggestion or supplement in her vast toolbox of knowledge and what’s more they worked. I have never been so terrified but yet I got through six chemotherapies without any of the accompanying sickness and nausea. Dr. Nalini worked with my Oncologist to find the best solutions for me. She then helped me detoxify after Chemotherapy and surgery and kept me supported throughout radiation. So far so good, the spot on the collarbone has healed over with new bone and my tumor shrank so I could get a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy. The beauty of working with Dr. Nalini is that everything is rooted in scientific research combined with her years of passion and experience. A regular, thorough analysis of one’s blood and genes is used each time she prescribes a new supplement, herb or treatment. The tools change with how your body is responding which is remarkable, individualized care at it’s best. I am now working with her to prevent recurrence and I can’t tell you how good it feels to have this amazing woman guide me through yet another complex and fascinating path and to feel with her by my side that I have control of my physiology, my gene expressions and my life. What’s more Dr. Nalini isn’t afraid of cancer. She kicks its ass!
- S.M.
Breast Cancer Patient
Dr. Chilkov fills in the gaps left by western medicine with the health end of the equation.
- S.F.
Dr. Chilkov is the very best kind of physician, marrying leading edge science with ancient healing. I came to Dr Chilkov with advanced late stage cancer. I was told that my cancer was untreatable and inoperable. While under her care my tumors shrank and it became possible for me to have surgery. My “inoperable” tumors were removed with clean margins. Dr. Chilkov not only gave me a chance of regaining and maintaining my health and but even surpassing what I thought was possible. She provides the opportunity for the very best possible outcome for whatever ails you. Dr. Chilkov is a compassionate, knowledgable and resourceful physician. I am so lucky and grateful to be under her care.
- S.M.
Advanced Stage Cancer Survivor and Thriver
Last year I almost died of advanced cancer. Nobody should have to go through what I experienced– My doctors are amazed. After only two weeks of starting my nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, morning smoothie and cancer fighting diet, my health and vitality doubled and in three months, I’m feeling close to 100% – Dr. Nalini Chilkov is my secret weapon for perfect health – she’s practical, pragmatic and brilliant.
Mike Koenigs
- Mike Koenigs
Advanced Colorectal Cancer, Best Selling Author and Speaker
Now I feel like I can be pro-active in my battle and not just a vessel for harmful but necessary chemicals. Some much of her nutritional advice, as my husband is a wonderful and informed cook, was on our radar but thanks to Dr. Chilkov, we now have the needed impetus to clean up those last nasty eating choices. Her encouragement to use this illness to create life changing habits was empowering and the comfort of knowing that she be in my corner for a long time to come is a huge emotional boost. Even the process of sorting through the plethora of vitamin/supplement bottles feels liberating and the acupuncture session was a definite boost to my energy level and well being. I cannot thank you enough for your all knowing kindness. With extreme gratitude for giving a life changing gift. I am not sure where to begin to thank you. My meeting with Dr. Chilkov was the most needed of medicines .
- J.C.
Ovarian Cancer Patient
I trust Nalini to hold our lives in her hands with compassion and dedication.
- Deena Metzger
Let me express my profound gratitude for your generous and game-changing truth talking. The conversation we had may have changed my life more than any other. It was a wake up call, a call to action, and truly was such a heartfelt and stabilizing picture of reality. I cannot express how grateful I am. I am especially aware of the implications of our talk for my daughter, and for this I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am learning how to take better care of myself as I work through the different kinds of denial that I have. To say our conversation helped me to change the way I am handling this is an understatement. So again, thank you.
- K.F.
47 year old single mother after a consult regarding a large brain tumor
I too can write paragraphs about the wonders of care I received after I was struck with breast cancer lumpectomy surgery and radiation treatments 12 years ago. Ever since then I continue to follow the regimen of supplements and diet she recommends. All from a very cautious diet and strong supplementation to correct the “terrain” (Dr. Nalini’s word) of my body. Thank you for everything, dear Dr.Nalini. I can always feel confident in the health trials that I may face without fear by virtue of your brilliant care . My life which is rich and full and will continue that way as I sail thought my 70?s and beyond!
- L.M.
Breast Cancer Survivor/Thriver
Dr. Chilkov has been my care provider for over ten years. In that time she has listened compassionately and treated me with knowledge and patience. In fact, she has changed my life for the better and taught me how to care for and protect my well-being. I’m grateful for her expertise and for her treatment.
- A.W.
Award Winning Television and Film Producer
I’m impressed with this book. It’s concise and packed full of information and good advice. I recommend to people who want to out smart cancer or to those who have a diagnosis. 32 chapters so you can work through at your own pace to bring changes in your lifestyle.
- F.F.
Dr. Chilkov is a unique practitioner who combines her extensive knowledge in Western Medicine with her expertise in Oriental Medicine. As a patient and colleague of Dr. Chilkov’s, I can state firsthand that she is one of the most well versed and most experienced doctors integrating Western and Eastern Medicine. She is an extremely thorough diagnostician and can be trusted with any healthcare need.
- T.N.
Her skill has helped me to heal physically. More importantly, her compassion and patience helped me to grow and develop as a human being. Rarely in life do you meet someone who wondrously heals and teaches. In so doing, they expand and change your life. Nalini is one of those rare people.
- M.B.
Dir. Of Marketing, 21st Century Funds
The medical world is polarized; providers of medical care are often limited to a particular modality or point of view. Dr. Chilkov is a truly holistic practitioner. She has extensive knowledge of both Western and Oriental Medicine, and a deep awareness of the psychological and spiritual dimensions of healing. Her professionalism, breadth of experience and insight into the mind/body connection are a rare and valuable combination.
- C.F.
You have treated me as a whole person, not just a list of ailments, and given me tools to add to the quality of my life in so many more ways than any doctor I have known. Thank you for helping me get well both physically, mentally and spiritually.
- R.R.
Dr. Chilkov has an extensive knowledge of nutrition and botanical medicine, as well as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine. I refer patients to her with great confidence.
- Dwight McKee, M.D.
Diplomat at the American Boards of Medical Oncology
Her skill has helped me to heal physically. More importantly, her compassion and patience helped me to grow and develop as a human being. Rarely in life do you meet someone who wondrously heals and teaches.
- P.D.
Without her guidance and expertise, I don’t think I could have gotten through the major abdominal surgery and chemotherapy.
- T.S.
Love what you’re doing and the difference it makes for so many.
- Michael States, MFCC
Psychologist specializing in cancer support counseling
Nalini is a Wisdom Speaker.
- Ana Forrest
Master Yoga Teacher
I am not brave enough to tolerate much discomfort. Within about 10 days of starting your program, there was such an enormous difference – an unbelievable difference. A colleague wondered about this new paradigm – “thriving” on chemo. Of course after starting with nutrition and supplements and acupuncture, I began and continue to feel healthy and well and able to engage fully in life again. My friends say how AMAZING I look and seem surprised and puzzled and slightly suspicious. I think people are beginning to wonder if my cancer diagnosis was a sham! . I have energy, though I am careful not to over tire myself, not to do anything I think might be physically, or worse, emotionally draining. I am vigilant, though not obsessive, with my diet and nutrition and I am very disciplined about taking the supplements. And I tell everyone to take me off their worry list. The focus on my health and well-being makes me feel safe and unconcerned. With your help, I have achieved what I wanted when I first started treatment, and that is to make dealing with the cancer simply a routine like cleaning my teeth, not the central focus of my or my family’s life. I am incredibly, daily, grateful for this fortune, this gift of life and wellbeing. And, again, I thank you.
- B.H.
Advanced Breast Cancer Survivor
Anytime you can gain knowledge about your health, you are in a more powerful position to improve and protect it. This book is written in a language that you don’t need a medical degree to understand.
- T.L.
In 25 years of professional service, there are very few health practitioners one comes across who display excellent and reliable clinical skills combined with caring, compassion and a truly noble humanity. Dr. Chilkov embodies all the finest qualities one could wish for in their physician.
- Dr. Robert Norrett, DC
Dr. Nalini’s book 32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer® | How to Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive saves lives and makes families stronger.
- P.H.
Marketing Strategist, Make It, Market, Launch It, Marketing Roadmaps
Dr. Chilkov has dedicated herself to the art and science of Traditional Oriental Medicine, Naturopathy, Herbology, Homeopathy, and Nutrition as well as being rooted in a comprehensive knowledge of Western Medicine. She brings together the diverse traditions of Eastern and Western Medicine in a way that truly exemplifies the postmodern evolution of Complementary Medicine. She is the quintessential family practitioner focusing on the Whole Person, including body, mind and spirit. Her years of personal spiritual practice makes her uniquely qualified to address the complex physical, mental and emotional issues that we are confronting in these unprecedented times. She is always on the top of my list of qualified practitioners that I refer to.
- Danise Lehrer
L.Ac., O.M.D., H.M.D., MSW
I have referred patients to and worked with Dr. Nalini Chilkov for several years. I have found her to be knowledgeable, compassionate, and very helpful in teaching people general and specific techniques to gain and maintain health.
- Charles McElroy, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Dr. Chilkov is my primary care practitioner. She draws on her depth of knowledge of both Eastern and Western medical practices to treat her patients with thoughtfulness and compassion.
- J.D.
Film Producer
Dr. Nalini is my referral source for cancer and I'm thrilled to be sharing her new book with my clients - bravo!
- T.S.
Dr. Chilkov is in the present when it comes to her work ~ truly listening to the hearts of the people who need her, those who require more than the Western Medical Doctor can provide. Compassion is her true nature; wisdom and focus is her drive.
- Emeline Rodelas
Creative Artist
Dr. Chilkov is one of those rare clinicians who bring together a medical background with the healing arts of Acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition. Deeply involved in the well-being of her patients and dedicated to the path of service, she combines the wisdom of an attentive and compassionate heart.
- Dr. Concetta F. Alfano, Ph.D.
If you are in crisis, or are frustrated and frightened by the limitations of the Western medical model, or perhaps simply looking to build long-term health, a visit to Dr. Chilkov is a must. Dr. Chilkov is the only person I trust to look at my medical circumstances from all angles. She incorporates her extensive knowledge of both Eastern & Western Medicine in her treatment approach, always considering her patient’s individual physiology and genetics instead of trying to fit them into a statistical pool. She is also one of the rare few who looks carefully at the impact our modern environment has on a person’s health and implements detoxifying treatments to reduce the exposures and stresses to help prevent future disease.
- C.O.
Film Producer
Dr. Chilkov’s services provide a rare combination of up-to-date Western scientific rigor as well as extensive knowledge of and experience in Alternative and Natural Health Care. My thanks for all you have brought to my health and well-being!
- A.F.
Faculty of Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Dr. Chilkov’s wealth of knowledge and experience, in both Western and Oriental Medicine, and her motivation to continue researching new treatments and direction give me such confidence in my path of wellness. She is the center of my physical healing and has been instrumental in helping me maintain focus and perspective while dealing with my health challenges. She is both patient and assertive. She knows when I need a gentle push. She is a wonderful healer, a gift and a blessing in my life. I don’t know where I would be without her.
- R.F.
Feature Film Music Editor
Dr. Chilkov is one of the most professional, skilled and knowledgeable practitioners I know. I love and respect her, and as a medical doctor, send all of my patients to her for holistic treatments and acupuncture.
- Dr. Dolores Kent, MD
This 21st-century guide to cancer care is simple, yet comprehensive in its information. Readers will find easy to follow steps that answer some of the questions so many of us have about cancer management and prevention.
- Pam Murphy
Dr. Nalini Chilkov interprets the heart of healing into an aesthetic whole in which foreground and background merge and in which every facet holds importance.
- Emilie Conrad
Visionary and Founder of Continuum
When I approached Dr. Chilkov for treating my chronic disease I found two invaluable and rare ingredients while under her care: knowledge and grace. Thank you.
- V.M.
Dr. Nalini Chilkov is a treasure! There are few doctors who take the time to listen, truly care about the whole person and body, and are concerned with treatment for the mind/body/spirit. Looking at the body as an integrated system, Dr. Chilkov has a keen sense of treatment needs and is able to balance the body harmoniously. With a devotion to continued research and education, she is able to use her broad spectrum of knowledge for many different types of “dis-eases” or conditions. Her continual assessment of the body combined with extraordinary intuition sets forth a path towards healing and well body energy. Dr. Chilkov tailors her care towards individual needs with amazing precision, leading the way to a new definition of wellness. Her compassion and giving heart are a blessing to us all!
- L.M. Hoffman
Nalini is a force of healing and commitment in the world today. Her work and practice inspire many. Her way is inclusive. Her heart is true.
- Joan Halifax, PhD
Dr. Chilkov has a comprehensive understanding of both Eastern and Western medicine. Compassion and clarity are the two words I would use to describe her approach.
- Dr. Catherine Veritas, D.C.
I want to thank you for taking such good care of M in the last days of her life. She really appreciated you. One of the things she expressed was her deep gratitude for you because she said that of all of the doctors she had dealt with in the cancer treatment process, you had really helped her the most with her pain and suffering. I am deeply grateful for all you did for her. Thank you again.
- D. P.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.