32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer®
Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Get Dr. Nalini's #1 Best Selling Book
The definitive step-by-step easy to follow roadmap to a cancer free life.
Get access to the same time-tested recommendations Dr. Chilkov has made available only to her patients for over 35 years.
This transformational guide is for people living with and recovering from cancer and those who do not want to get cancer in the first place.
Learn how to turn on your cancer-fighting genes so that you can live long and live well!
Dr. Nalini’s OutSmart Cancer® Plans are recognized as the most comprehensive, science-based, safe, natural programs for supporting people whose lives have been touched by cancer, and those who do not want to get cancer in the first place, to create health and longevity and a body in which cancer cannot thrive.
Dr. Chilkov is the go-to doctor for many Hollywood Celebrities, VIPs, and government leaders. She is listed as a go-to clinician in Suzanne Somers’ book, “Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place”, and has appeared as a health expert on NBC TV Access Hollywood.
She has been recognized by WebMD and Dr. Mehmet Oz’s sharecare.com as one of the Top Ten Online Influencers in Breast Cancer, and is a widely read health and wellness expert for the prestigious Huffington Post.

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