How to Pay for Cancer Treatments and Integrative Medicine

A Solution to the Cost of Integrative Cancer Care: Crowd Funding for Health and for Choice

It seems the Road to Health is Paved with Gold. Integrative Cancer Care  is expensive. Conventional Modern Oncology care is  uber expensive. Diagnostic blood tests, MRIs, Scans, biopsies, doctor visits. Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radation Therapy. Too many drugs. What if you are having a treatment not approved by your insurance company? What if you have to stop working? How to pay for all of this?

If you ALSO want to include Integrative Cancer Care so you can BE PROACTIVE,  support health during and after cancer treatment, manage side effects, fatigue, digestive function, lower your risk of recurrence…well that can be VERY costly.

Unfortunately there are very few insurance plans that have the wisdom and compassion to cover Integrative Cancer Care, acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, massage therapy,  specialty testing, a visit with a nutritionist, herbalist or naturopathic doctor who is an expert in the HEALTH side of the cancer treatment and cancer recovery equation.  If you want to do everything you can to fight cancer, recover from treatment, improve the quality of life and mitigate side effects during treatment and also rebuild and restore your health and wellbeing after treatment, if you want to use herbal medicines and nutritional therapies, if you want to do everything possible to never have cancer again, if you want to decrease your chances of a recurrence, then you may need some extra funds. Access to this kind of care should not be just for those with money. Here is a way to pay for your health care costs and have more choices.

Enter GiveForward.coman easy way to provide financial and emotional support for loved ones, friends and neighbors in times of medical need. We are in a new era of crowd-funding and crowd-sourcing thanks to the internet. You can  help a victim of a natural disaster, a family needing funds for an unexpected surgery, funeral expenses. You name it, you can share your generosity and caring by starting a personal fundraiser on line. And you can set it up in minutes for free.

Instantly create a community and a support system. You can even integrate your GiveForward page with Facebook and Paypal. If you are not in a position to give money, you can leave words of support and encouragement. You can offer to help with grocery shopping, housecleaning, driving back and forth to doctor’s appointments, babysitting, taking the kids to school.  Surprise someone. Consider setting up a GiveForward page for someone you love who needs help then tell all of their family and friends, neighbors and community.

It’s also a way for the person or family in need to let people know what would really be helpful. You might not know that their pet needs a trip to the vet and they are just to ill to deal with it. If their house burned down they may really just want a toothbrush and clean clothes and some hot soup.



GiveForward pages empower friends and family to send love and financial support to patients as they navigate a medical crisis. Start a GiveForward page today and ease the burden of your loved one’s out-of-pocket medical expenses.

If you are a healthcare professional you can order brochures to give to your patients and their families.

I have to admit that I came upon by surprise. I was searching on odesk for a virtual assistant and clicked on the profile of a highly qualified woman named Mousumi Saha of New Delhi. India. I noticed she had a link to her site so, out of curiosity I clicked and found myself on a page about people with great ideas and visions that actually did something that made a difference. It is  a place where creativity, courage, action and vision are acknowledged.  So, that is how I found It is about individuals with ideas and resourcefulness making a difference.

One of the many  inspirational and thought provoking quotes on her page “The human body has limitations; the human spirit is boundless.”

Click Here to Get My Free Report Three Dangerous Cancer Survival Myths Revealed: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

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Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

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GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.