Is it possible to fall in love with a cookbook? Rebecca Katz and Matt Edelson have crafted a masterpiece: The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying, Big-Flavor Recipes Featuring the Top 16 Age-Busting Power Foods.This is more than a cookbook, this is a guide for a journey, a grand adventure of taste and transformation that not only stirs the senses but teaches you how to eat in a way that reduces your risk of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure. This is a bible of how to eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet filled with potent antioxidants and anti-cancer phytochemicals.
Longevity Kitchen includes over 100 truly tasty healthy recipes and gorgeous photographs, focusing on 16 longevity and health boosting super foods that can change the quality of your health and your life when you enjoy them on a regular basis. The sixteen super foods she has chosen are delicious and easy to prepare and include blueberries, avocados, asparagus, mint, thyme, basil, kale, garlic, olive oil, green tea, walnuts, pomegranates, salmon, sweet potatoes, yoghurt and even coffee and chocolate. Now do I have your attention? These are the foods that can turn on cancer suppressor genes and turn off cancer promoter genes. Science tells us that your food is talking to your DNA. Just by adding color and carefully selected foods, your health, well being and even life span can be changed.
I first learned about Rebecca when I salivated over her award winning and wise cookbook, The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery. which contains strategies for building your own Culinary Pharmacy and Cancer Fighting Tool Kit in order to create meals filled with cancer fighting foods that support health and quality of life and help manage side effects during and after cancer treatments.
Rebecca is the self described master of YUM. She focuses not only on health and longevity but on FLAVOR. Even the most timid of cooks will be surprised at how easy it is to prepare incredible life sustaining meals. She calls herself a Culinary Translator who turns food into medicine and joy. She insists that food not only heals our bodies, but our souls and our communities. Cooking matters, eating together matters. If we want to thrive we must nourish ourselves on all levels with the freshest, whole foods and the most caring of friends.
Recipes that get your mouth watering include Roasted Halibut with Lime and Papaya Avocado Salsa, Insanely Good Chocolate Brownies, Basil Broccoli, Curry Cauliflower Soup, Garlicky Leafy Greens and her famous Magic Mineral Broth which may cure all that ails humanity. Many of her recipes are gluten free, dairy free and vegan.
I think of Rebecca as a Joyful Wisdom Keeper and an Creative Artist weaving together nourishing and healing traditions with science, beauty and the alchemy of masterful food preparation. When you create with this cookbook you will end up smiling and satisfied and you may just live a longer and healthier life as well!