My Mission
It is my mission to change the face of cancer care by including a plan for your health along with a plan for your disease.
My OutSmart Cancer® System is designed to give you the tools and knowledge to defy the odds and the statistics by creating a body that is not hospitable to the development or spread of cancer.
I created the Outsmart Cancer® System so that you have the tools and the knowledge to Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well Beyond Cancer. My Outsmart Cancer® System is the most comprehensive, safe, and research-based approach for cancer patients, survivors, and individuals who are proactive about their health.

To give you more concrete detailed guidance I created the OutSmart Cancer® RoadMap, a step by step program that provides essential tools and resources to help you take control of your health, your longevity and the quality of your life. The OutSmart Cancer® RoadMap includes all of the recommendations, supplements, and nutritional guidance I would give to my own patients at every stage of their cancer journey and for your life Beyond Cancer.
I am dedicated to giving you, patients and your families the guidance, support, and knowledge you need to make informed decisions so that you are empowered to take charge of your health.
“I have witnessed inspired and courageous patients just like you who have successfully taken control of their cancer journey while learning how to create and sustain robust and vibrant health during treatment, recovery, and remission from cancer.”
It is my goal to touch as many lives as possible so that every patient is not only a cancer survivor, but a cancer thriver.
My Healing Principles

Cancer Is NOT In Control YOU ARE.

You CAN Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive.

Every Patient Deserves a HEALTH PLAN not just a disease plan
Meet Dr. Nalini Chilkov

Just as I was embarking upon my medical career, both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer. This was a heartbreaking and challenging time that would completely change the trajectory of my medical practice. While my parents lived to see their 88th and 90th birthdays cancer free, watching my parents navigate their cancer journeys and seeing the gaps in their care inspired my mission to change the face of cancer care.
As I supported my parents through their treatments and recovery, I quickly became aware that there is no plan for supporting the health of cancer patients within conventional oncology care. There is only a plan for your disease.
What do patients really want? Of course, you want to have control of your cancer, but you also want to be able to maintain health and well-being both during your treatments and for the long term. You want your health and your life back. You want to feel vital again.
I began to ask the question,
“What if every cancer patient had a plan for their health and not just a plan for their disease, right from the beginning of their diagnosis?”
What if there could be both a team of the best disease care specialists along with a team of highly engaged health specialists from the moment that you hear the words? “You have cancer?”

For patients and families whose lives have been touched by cancer there is an opportunity to transform the anxiety, overwhelm and suffering into a journey of health, wholeness and healing. In response to this huge need, I created the OutSmart Cancer® System so that every patient can be empowered with self care knowledge and transformational tools to be able to Create a Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive.
The OutSmart Cancer® System evolved and developed over the span of three decades, working with thousands of patients. During this same period I was inspired to write my best-selling book, 32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer®, How to Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive. Over these many years, learning from my own patients, I developed my OutSmart Cancer® System with the intention to transform cancer care into HEALTH care and to provide a path for patients and families to gain peace of mind and take control of their cancer journeys with hope and optimism and efficacy.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.