After a brief decline from 2002-2003 women are being diagnosed with breast cancer at increasing and alarming rates.An article posted on CancerConnect News states that there was only a brief decline in breast cancer rates during the period when many women who were taking hormone replacement therapy discontinued their hormone use after the Women’s Health Initiative demonstrated an increased risk of breast cancer in many of these women in 2002. The greatest decline was seen when post menopausal women with estrogen positive breast cancers stopped their hormone replacement therapy.
But that decline did not last very long at all, only a few short years. That downward trend has not continued. Why is this so??
This is because there are many breast cancers and because the causes of breast cancer are complex. The use of estrogen replacement therapy is only one cause among many. According to the National Breast Cancer Coalition, in the United States today, 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer. In 1975 the statistics were better, only 1 in 11 women were diagnosed with this disease. Researchers predict rates will continue to increase.
The trend in rates of Breast Cancer are on the rise. Conventional oncology does not have real plan for prevention of breast cancer. You can make powerful changes in your lifestyle and in your choices to protect yourself and your family. You can take the following steps to decrease your risk and protect yourself and the girls and women in your family.
What can you do??
- Include cancer fighting foods in your daily diet
- Get regular exercise
- Maintain a normal weight and a lean body mass
- Avoid cancer causing environmental chemicals at home and at work, in your diet and in medical care
- Stop Smoking
- Manage your blood sugar and eat a low glycemic (low sugar) diet
- Support your Immune System by managing your stress
- Get enough rest and adequate sleep
- Avoid exposures to cancer causing environmental chemicals
- Take vitamin and herbal supplements that are high in antioxidants
- Manage Inflammation with diet and herbal medicines
- Get regular screenings Early detection improves survival.
- Know your family history
- Know your genetics. Get tested.
- Do a self breast exam every month. You can be more familiar with your breast tissue than any doctor who only examines you once per year. Many woman find their own breast lumps.