Phytochemicals found in the ffruits and vegetables of the fall season are packed with healthy benefits. The deep colors green, purple, red, and bright orange alert us to the potent anti-oxidant and cell protective anti- cancer activity of these delicious foods.
Include cabbage family vegetables, kale, brocolli, cranberries, apples pomegranates and bright orange foods such as yams, winter squash, carrots and persimmons in your diet at the height of their nutritional value during the fall season.
Cabbage Family Vegetables | Kale, Brocolli, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts
All of the cruciferous vegetables, better known as the cabbage family, contain compounds that fight cancer and modulate hormones.
Human studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables can help to reduce the risk of lung, stomach, colorectal, prostate, cervical and bladder cancers.
One of the most valuable components of these food plants is called sulphoraphanes, such as DIM (Di indole methane) and I3C (Indole 3 carbinol) and another sulphur rich compound called glucosinolate.Broccoli, Kale and Broccoli sprouts have the highest concentration of these compounds.
Sulphoraphanes enhance detoxification. These compounds act in the detoxification pathways of the liver. When we are exposed to environmental toxins and chemicals it is the job of the liver to transform toxic chemicals into forms that can be easily removed and excreted from the body through the stool and the urine.
Sulphoraphanes are potent antioxidants, protecting our skin, the retina of the eye (our vision), the linings of our blood vessels and joints from free radical oxidation damage. Anti-oxidants also protect our DNA from damage.
Sulphoraphanes support normal inflammation management, reducing levels of the COX-2 enzymes, which are elevated in arthritis and many cancers.
Hormone Metabolism Sulphoraphanes also help us to metabolize our own hormones properly decreasing the cancer promoting effects of estrogens in both men and women.
Cranberries are rich in powerful anti-oxidant cell protective flavonoids called anthocyanadins. Fresh cranberries are also a great source of Vitamin C which is not only a potent antioxidant but also promotes healthy resistance to viral infections. Anti-oxidants provide powerful protection against cell damage, especially damage to cell membranes and to DNA. Cranberries have been shown to arrest the cell cycle and growth of human breast cancer cells. They are also a rich source of the cancer fighting bioflavonoid quercitin and contain small amounts of ursolic acid another potent cancer fighting phyto-chemical. You may like Cranberry-Kale Salad Recipe
The bright red color of pomegranates is a sign of the presence of active plant chemicals. Pomegranates have many potent anti-cancer properties.
Pomegranates are super antioxidants, high in polyphenols, which support normal cell protection by combating oxidative stress, which protects DNA from damage, one of the first steps in the development of cancer cells.
Pomegranates support inflammation control, leading to lower levels of key inflammatory molecules, many of which are present in cancer cells and surrounding tissues.
Pomegranates may act to modify the production of aromatase, an enzyme that increases hormone production in breast tissue. Hormone dependent cancers such as breast cancer are commonly treated with aromatase inhibitors, which block this enzyme. from foods. Pomegranates decrease the effect of estrogens in the tissue offering protection against breast cancers stimulated by estrogen.
Pomegranates may influence the proliferation and growth of cancer cells and may support factors that inhibit the spread of cancer cells throughout the body (metastasis). You May Like: Spicy Antioxidant Pomegranate Blueberry Sauce Recipe
Apples are rich in phytochemicals that have strong antioxidant activity, inhibit cancer cell proliferation and decrease lipid oxidation,. Apples contain the potent anti-oxidants quercetin, catechin and chlorogenic acid. Diets high in flavonoids and catechins (also found in green tea) may inhibit the development of the lungs and digestive tract. Apples have also demonstrated anti-proliferative activity and support the inhibition of the growth and development of tumor cells. Apple peels are particularly rich in quercitin which has demonstrated anti-proliferative and anti-oxidant activity, important anti-cancer properties. Quercitin has been widely studied in relation to breast cancer, liver cancer and lung cancer for its capacity to protect DNA from damage.
Bright Orange Carotenoid Rich Fall Foods | Yams, Winter Squash, Carrots, Persimmons.
The bright orange color signifies the presence of carotenoids found in these fall foods. Carotenoids may improve your immune function and lower your risk of cancer. Carotenoids are natural antioxidants and immune modulators and contribute to protecting our cells from the damage that is part of the physiology of both aging and cancer.
Carotenoids increase anti-viral activity, modulate our immune function by supporting the formation of white blood cells called Natural Killer Cells.
Carotenoids provide the precursor to Vitamin A and also support normal cell to cell communication, normal cell growth and development. When these normal functions are disrupted, cancer growth and progression may ensue. You may like Sweet Potato Cinnamon Orange Cups Recipe and Savory Moroccan Carrot Salad Recipe