This is What Gets Me Up and Eager to Go to Work
A new patient, after her first visit. The visit was a gift from a friend who decided not to send flowers, but to give her the opportunity to open and flower herself in the midst...

Breast Cancer Linked to Parabens in Cosmetics
Parabens are cancer causing chemical preservatives found in almost ALL cosmetics and body care products and many drugs. A comprehensive study of women with breast cancer published in the January 2012 issue of the Journal...

Anti-Cancer Foods | Broccoli and Breast Cancer
Nature has given us food constituents that can alter estrogen metabolism and change their cancer causing effects on our breast tissue. The cabbage family vegetables, especially broccoli and kale contain high amounts of sulfphoraphanes which...

Fight Cancer in the Kitchen with Tumeric
You can fight cancer in the kitchen from your spice shelf. Many of the commonly used culinary herbs and spices are filled with anti-oxidants that can protect your cells and your DNA from damage. Watch...

Over the Counter Drugs and Herbs May Reduce Spread of Cancer | New Study
A new study (1) reveals that the spread of cancer may be reduced with common over the counter drugs. The study shows that reducing inflammation using widely used, inexpensive non steroidal anti-inflammatory non-prescription medications (NSAIDs)...

Is Your MultiVitamin Promoting Cancer?
Which nutrients SHOULD NOT be in your multivitamin if you are concerned about cancer? Watch My SMART TIP video to find out! Like this? CLICK HERE to get INSTANT ACCESS to my FREE REPORT: Eight...

Resveratrol | Major Impact on Cancer and Inflammation
Resveratrol is a potent anti-oxidant found in red and purple grapes and berries. It is used extensively in China as a longevity tonic and to support cancer patients and cardiovascular patients. Resveratrol can actually turn...

Integrative Cancer Answers Health News | Grape Seed Extract
Grape seed extract has been shown to possess the remarkable ability to selectively target head and neck squamous cancer cells leading to cell death or apoptosis. A study showed that by generating reactive oxygen species,...

Integrative Cancer Answers Health News | Melatonin and Endometrial Cancer
Melatonin, as most know, is the hormone most associated with sleep and the circadian rhythm. This hormone has displayed various positive benefits on the immune system as well. As melatonin levels have been found to be low...

Integrative Cancer Answers Health News | Inflammation Lowers Breast Cancer Survival
Inflammation not only increases breast cancer risk, but a new study finds that women with the highest levels of inflammation at the time of diagnosis have the poorest survival. Inflammation levels were determined by measuring...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.