Breast Cancer Rates are Rising| Protect Yourself
After a brief decline from 2002-2003 women are being diagnosed with breast cancer at increasing and alarming rates.An article posted on CancerConnect News states that there was only a brief decline in breast cancer rates...

Childhood Cancers are Increasing | Are Environmental Toxins the Cause?
Here is a great post from EnviroBlog and Environmental Working Group Cancer: Putting Prevention First Medical experts will never cease searching for cures for the gravest illnesses that afflict people. But a growing consensus is...

Saffron | Research Shows Anti-Cancer Activity
Saffron, Crocus sativus, also known as Hong Hua in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, has been used both as a culinary spice and as a medicinal botanical on many continents throughout history for over 3,000 years....

The Cancer Fighting Kitchen | Anti-Cancer Foods and Recipes
This is a great cook book, not only for cancer patients, but for anyone who wants to eat a super healthy diet that also fights cancer with food!! Watch the video below!...

Stop Cancer & Heart Disease
One Path to Health and Longevity: Stop Cancer and Heart Disease Following an Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Lowers Risk of Death from Heart Disease and All Causes A study of more than 100,000 men and women over...

Can losing weight prevent you from getting cancer?
Research indicates that when weight goes up, so does the risk of many cancers. Here are highlights from a great article posted by The Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund on the relationship between obesity...

Vitamin D | Are Your Levels Dangerously Low?
Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is an important nutrient. A low level of this important vitamin may increase risk of cancer, high blood pressure, depression, bone loss (osteoporosis), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infections and auto-immune diseases...

Cancer is A Preventable Disease
According to the World Health Organization: About 40% of cancers could be prevented if people stopped smoking and overeating, limited their alcohol, exercised regularly and reduced exposures to toxic chemicals over the course of their...

Brain Cancer Risk from Cell Phone Use
Possible’ Brain Cancer Risk from Cell Phone Use according to recent study at World Health Organization A scientific report released Tuesday by the World Health Organization concludes radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields – including those...

Choose A Wellness Doctor to Live Longer & Save Money on Health Care
Patients whose General Practitioner Knows Complementary Medicine tend to have lower costs and live longer. Start looking for doctors who know about health and are interested in wellness!! These doctors spend more time with patients, pay attention to lifestyle factors...

Breast Cancer:Why Are So Many Women at Risk? Part 1
Every woman wants to know what she can do to lower her risk of breast cancer. Today, there are many risk factors that have contributed to more women being diagnosed with breast cancer. Most breast...

Stop Cancer| Eat A High Protein Low Carb Diet
I have cancer, what should I eat? I want to prevent cancer, what is the best anti-cancer diet? There many factors that go into an anti-cancer diet. According to a recent study published in Cancer...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.