Cancer Survivors Live Longer With Herbal Medicine and Vitamins
Up to seven times as many cancer patients survive and live more years when conventional treatment is combined with and followed by long term use of Herbal Medicine and Vitamins. Beat the Odds. Lung cancer...

Women, Cancer, Stress, Sexual Violence | A Deadly Connection
Cancer risk increases when the immune system is compromised by stress, loss of sleep, depression, inability to eat, poor nutrition. When a woman is traumatized by sexual violence and sexual assault, particularly if it was...

Breast Cancer Linked to Parabens in Cosmetics
Parabens are cancer causing chemical preservatives found in almost ALL cosmetics and body care products and many drugs. A comprehensive study of women with breast cancer published in the January 2012 issue of the Journal...

Anti-Cancer Foods | Broccoli and Breast Cancer
Nature has given us food constituents that can alter estrogen metabolism and change their cancer causing effects on our breast tissue. The cabbage family vegetables, especially broccoli and kale contain high amounts of sulfphoraphanes which...

Fight Cancer in the Kitchen with Tumeric
You can fight cancer in the kitchen from your spice shelf. Many of the commonly used culinary herbs and spices are filled with anti-oxidants that can protect your cells and your DNA from damage. Watch...

Over the Counter Drugs and Herbs May Reduce Spread of Cancer | New Study
A new study (1) reveals that the spread of cancer may be reduced with common over the counter drugs. The study shows that reducing inflammation using widely used, inexpensive non steroidal anti-inflammatory non-prescription medications (NSAIDs)...

Splenda Essentials is NOT a Safe Healthy Sweetener
Do you use Splenda as a sweetener thinking it is safe and healthy for you? Splenda is not natural and it’s not safe. Splenda is an ARTIFICIAL sweetener that has been marketed as a safe...

Is Your MultiVitamin Promoting Cancer?
Which nutrients SHOULD NOT be in your multivitamin if you are concerned about cancer? Watch My SMART TIP video to find out! Like this? CLICK HERE to get INSTANT ACCESS to my FREE REPORT: Eight...

Cancer Causing Toxins in Your Home| Get Clean and Go Green
Here is a new website www.everydayexposures.com where you can learn all about the many toxins in your home, garden and garage. It is a visually oriented site where you can click on an item on...

The 12 Most Toxic Foods That You Must Buy Organic
Buyer Beware. The Environmental Working Group has compiled a list of The Dirty Dozen, 12 soft skinned foods that absorb the most pesticides and that you must buy organic and The Clean Fifteen, tough skinned...

10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Women
Today one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Fifty years ago it was one in fifty women. In our lifetimes it is estimated that one in two women will be diagnosed with...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.