Cancer Treatment Options

What To Eat | During Chemotherapy | After Surgery

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in products such as soy milk and low-fat yogurt, has been shown to reduce breast cancer incidence in rats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) During chemotherapy cancer treatment...
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Cancer Fighting Fall Foods

Phytochemicals found in the ffruits and vegetables of the fall season are packed with healthy benefits. The deep colors green, purple, red, and bright orange alert us to the potent anti-oxidant and cell protective anti-...
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Individualized Breast Cancer Treatment | Is Chemotherapy Right for You?

If you have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, ask your physician to find out whether or not you will benefit from chemotherapy. In some types of breast cancer only one in four women will benefit....
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7 Reasons To Eat Cranberries | Cancer Fighting Superfood

Cranberries are one of the great Superfoods rich in plant antoxidants and cancer fighting phytochemicals called proanthocyanadins (PACs). Here are Seven Reasons To Eat Cranberries This Season and All Year Long 1. Super Antioxidant Cell Protective...
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WORLD CANCER DAY: Cancer Is Not A Death Sentence

WORLD CANCER DAY: CANCER FACTS  FEBRUARY 4 2013 Cancer isn’t a death sentence: advances in understanding risk and prevention, early detection, treatment and care can lead to improved outcomes for patients. Cancer isn’t a death sentence:...
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32 Things You Can Do To Control Cancer

> So what does Cancer Control Really Mean?   With cancer rates on the rise worldwide, include both Cancer Prevention, taking actions that prevent getting cancer in the first place and also Reducing Your Risk...
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Can Chinese Medicine Transform Modern Cancer Care?

Join me on Wednesday, April 10th @ 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET for a LIVE interview titled “Ancient Tradition Transforms Modern Cancer Care” on the Five to Thrive radio show. On the show...
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Listen to Dr. Chilkov talk about Chinese Medicine and Cancer Support

Listen to a free recording of  Dr. Nalini Chilkov  talking about Chinese Medicine, Health, Healing and Cancer: “Ancient Tradition Transforms Modern Cancer Care: How Chinese Medicine Manages Painful Side Effects, Restores Health and Wholeness, Promotes Longevity...
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Fish Oils May Halt Breast Cancer | New Research

Omega-3s Target Toughest Breast Tumors Cell study finds fish fats curb hard-to-treat “triple-negative” breast cancers 4/11/2013 This summary article from Vital discusses a recent study showing that increased intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA...
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Melanoma: Deadly Skin Cancer | Green Tea May Offer Protection

The most serious and deadly form of skin cancer is malignant melanoma. It is the leading cause of death from skin cancer because it is aggressive and fast growing and readily spreads (metastasizes) to other...
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Breast Cancer Treatment | Joint Pain Relief

After Breast Cancer Treatment, many women are prescribed glucosamine and chondroitin for the relief of aromatase inhibitor related joint pain. Results of the study show that combined use of glucosamine and chondroitin are of benefit to...
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Book Review | Active Against Cancer | Fight Cancer with Exercise

Active Against Cancer is a book about saving your own life, preserving your health and well being, one breath, one step at a time, during and after cancer treatment. The author, Nancy Brennan, is an ovarian...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.