Side Effects Solutions

Side Effects of Radiation: Natural Protection from Fermented Foods

Probiotics, the healthy bacteria found in yoghurt and other fermented foods protect the lining of the digestive tract from damage due to radiation therapy. Studies show that when healthy bacteria are taken orally BEFORE radiation...
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Curcumin for Bone Health

Curcumin offers many benefits to cancer patients, including bone protection. Keeping bones healthy is crucial as we age.  Many cancers can invade the bone with advanced metastatic disease. Keeping bones healthy is therefore also crucial....
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What To Eat | During Chemotherapy | After Surgery

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in products such as soy milk and low-fat yogurt, has been shown to reduce breast cancer incidence in rats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) During chemotherapy cancer treatment...
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Chemotherapy Fatigue | Relief with Ashwaganda

Chemotherapy Fatigue is real All patients receiving chemotherapy suffer toxic side effects. The most common complaint is chemotherapy related fatigue. A recent study found that that Stage 2 and Stage 3 breast cancer patients undergoing...
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Flu Fighting Tips | Mobilize Your Immune System

FLU FIGHTING TIPS | MOBILIZE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Be prepared for flu season. Protect yourself and your children from cold and  flu viruses. Mobilize your immunity and improve both resistance to and response to infections...
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Milk Thistle Protects Cells FromToxic Chemotherapy Side Effects

Can Herbal Medicine and Chemotherapy work together for the benefit of cancer patients?  Several studies show that the extract of Milk Thistle seeds (Silybum marianum), particulary the phytochemicals silibinin and silymarin not only protect delicate...
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5 Tips for Dealing With The Stress and Overwhelm of Cancer Part 1

Coming Home to Ourselves| Finding Calm, Clarity and Compassion at the Center of the Storm of Cancer and Serious Illness  PART 1 Susan Bauer Wu Shows Us The Healing Power of Mindfulness and a Tender...
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5 Tips for Dealing with The Stress & Overwhelm of Cancer Part 2

Leaves Falling Gently: Living Fully with Serious and Life-Limiting Illness through Mindfulness, Compassion, and Connectedness Coming Home to Ourselves| Finding Calm, Clarity and Compassion at the Center of the Storm Susan Bauer Wu Shows Us...
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Breast Cancer Treatment | Joint Pain Relief

After Breast Cancer Treatment, many women are prescribed glucosamine and chondroitin for the relief of aromatase inhibitor related joint pain. Results of the study show that combined use of glucosamine and chondroitin are of benefit to...
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Chinese Herb Ganoderma May Promote Health of Bladder Cancer Patients

An Ancient Chinese Herb, Reishi or Ganoderma, One of the Great Medicinal Healing Mushrooms has many gifts to offer Cancer Patients.   Ganoderma is one the the great Immune Modulating Tonics and has been used...
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Chinese Herbs Protect Cancer Patients at Risk for Bone Loss

Cancer Patients Are At High Risk For Bone Loss. Chinese Herbs have been used historically and studied in modern times as a source of bone nourishing  plant substances that can support healthy bones in patients...
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Quercitin Bioflavonoid May Offer Protection From Hepatitis C and Liver Cancer

Quercitin is a bioflavonoid plant chemical found in many fruits and vegetables. Studies show that quercitin  may  protect your liver from permanent damage related to Hepatitis C. Researchers at  UCLA  have shown that Quercetin may  actually...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.