Women and Cancer

Please Join Dr. Nalini on Sunday March 16th! Woman of Strength Award!

Please join Dr. Nalini Chilkov and Dr. Kristi Funk, MD (Angelina Jolie’s breast surgeon) as they receive WOMEN OF STRENGTH AWARDS from the GET IN TOUCH FOUNDATION, dedicated to bringing  health awareness to school age...
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STOP Stress | A Simple Formula for Finding Calm

A cancer diagnosis, cancer treatments and recovery are stressful both for the cancer patient and for their loved ones. During the day, if you find your mind is racing, you are having trouble focusing, or...
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Changing the Face of Breast Cancer| Hands On Ladies and Girls!!

Women Changing the Way We Think About Our Boobs: Dr. Nalini Chilkov and Dr. Kristi Funk by Anna Musky-Goldwyn. Reprinted from the Huffington Post-Dr. Chilkov and Dr. Funk are being honored at The Get in Touch...
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How To Recognize Cancer: The Healthy Woman Checklist Part One

Cancer is scary. Health is precious. Losing our health and well-being, especially to a deadly and life-threatening disease such as cancer, is often in our own hands at first. If we are paying close attention...
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The Deadly Connection Between Cancer and Fat

There is a Deadly Connection Between Cancer and Fat.   Fat is Out. Lean is In There is no place to hide. You have got to be svelte if you want to stay healthy and...
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32 Ways To OutSmart Cancer by Dr. Nalini

32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer: How to Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive You have your medical providers working to rid your body of disease. But do you have the health and wellness side...
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Free Exercise Program for Women with Cancer

Free Exercise Program for Women with Cancer Just a few blocks from my Integrative Cancer Care and Wellness Medicine clinic in Santa Monica, California, the local chapter of the YMCA hosts Encore: A Free Program for...
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If you have cancer you go to Dr. Nalini. JJ Virgin

If you have cancer you go to Dr. Nalini. Period. I refer everyone to her. I am always sad when someone doesn’t go. (more…)...
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Breast Cancer | Beware of Sugars and Starches

Research continues to reinforce the link between breast cancer and diet, particularly the importance of keeping your blood sugar in the low normal ranges. Higher levels of blood sugar and blood insulin are linked to...
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Women’s Health in Danger | Doctors Say Skip Exams

The Status of Women’s Health Is In Danger. Do NOT let any doctor tell you to skip important life saving gynecologic exams. Stay Informed!  This year the American College of Physicians made a choice against women’s...
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Broccoli Sprouts May Suppress Breast Cancer

Broccoli sprouts are always in season. Studies Suggest Links to Breast Cancer Protection and Prevention by Helayne Waldman, Ed.D., M.S. Is it nature or nurture that determines our susceptibility to cancer? One of the most...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.