How to Address PreCancerous Lesions Before They Become Malignant

Talking About Prevention: Focusing on Cancer Terrain


Q&A with Dr. Nalini

Do you have any information for addressing *pre*-cancerous lesions *before* they become cancerous?  How does their metabolism differ from normal vs. cancerous cells? Hard to find anything for pre-cancerous diagnoses.

A “precancerous” condition is on a continuum of cells changing from normal healthy cells to malignant cancerous cells
In Integrative Cancer Care we include a HEALTH MODEL, not just a disease model…if you want to turn from pre-cancerous to healthy…you have to have a plan to achieve and sustain health, not just a plan to get rid of unwanted aberrant cells.
Conventional medicine and oncology are only focused on disease care. There is no plan for health.

In Integrative Cancer Care we also focus on the CANCER TERRAIN…the environment in your body that is permissive and supportive of the development of cancer in the first place.

The “preventive” approach includes several areas of focus
These are the same factors we assess and address in a person with cancer

  • Understanding the Abnormal Cells. (Pathology reports, blood tests, scans, etc)
  • Understanding the Cancer Terrain:
  • Understanding Contributors to the presence of pre-cancerous or malignant cells:
    • Understanding your bio-system, your physiology…your Cancer Terrain (blood tests, lifestyle assessments, stress evaluation, support system, immune status)
    • Understanding your genetics and genomics…what else is contributing to your susceptibility to developing cancer cells and not be able to control them
    • Understanding your health history and family history and environmental and toxic exposures

With this information, a highly individualized plan can be put in place to
Create a Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive and a long-term plan for monitoring can be crafted to sustain new physiology that is inhospitable to the development, progression, and spread of cancer cells.

Here are 3 books we recommend:

There are many actions you can take to put your foot on the path. 


Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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