OutSmart Cancer® Blog

Brain Cancer Risk from Cell Phone Use

Possible’ Brain Cancer Risk from Cell Phone Use according to recent study at World Health Organization A scientific report released Tuesday by the World Health Organization concludes radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields – including those...
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Cancer Cells Accelerate Aging and Inflammation

It is crucial manage inflammation to control cancer. Inflammation is both causes and is caused by Cancer. We now know that cancer cells are accelerating aging and inflammation, which is making nutrients to feed more...
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Cancer is A Preventable Disease

According to the World Health Organization: About 40% of cancers could be prevented if people stopped smoking and overeating, limited their alcohol, exercised regularly and reduced exposures to toxic chemicals over the course of their...
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Best Organic Cookbooks

Eating organic foods is by far one of the most important things you can do to reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics, colorings and waxes all of which have negative impact on...
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Choose A Wellness Doctor to Live Longer & Save Money on Health Care

Patients whose General Practitioner Knows Complementary Medicine tend to have lower costs and live longer. Start looking for doctors who know about health and are interested in wellness!! These doctors spend more time with patients, pay attention to lifestyle factors...
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Cancer Fighting Foods: What Colors Are on Your Plate?

12 Reasons to Eat Anti-Cancer Carotenoid Rich Foods Every Day Have some carotenoids for dinner, and for lunch and for breakfast and you may improve your immune function and lower your risk of cancer.  Carotenoids,...
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Cancer, Stress and Depression | A Difficult Journey

Here is an excerpt from a wonderful series of articles on navigating the cancer journey with more support, resources and perspective. Dr. Joseph Nowinski, PhD, cancer psychologist, talks about using complementary therapies (I prefer the term...
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Stop Cancer| Eat A High Protein Low Carb Diet

I have cancer, what should I eat? I want to prevent cancer, what is the best anti-cancer diet? There many factors that go into an anti-cancer diet.   According to a recent study published in Cancer...
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Breast Cancer:Why Are So Many Women at Risk? Part 1

Every woman wants to know what she can do to lower her risk of breast cancer. Today, there are many risk factors that have contributed to more women being diagnosed with breast cancer. Most breast...
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Cancer Fighting Anti-Oxidants found in 3 Potent Chinese Herbs

Some of the richest sources of cell protective anti-oxidants, some with potential anti-cancer activity  are found in Chinese Herbal Medicines, especially in medicinal fruits and berries.  Here are three of the most  potent anti-oxidant packed...
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How to Read a Food Label and Make Healthy Food Choices

food labels is essential if you are going to avoid chemicals and additives, artificial flavorings and colorings, preservatives, flow agents, texture agents, antibiotics and fillers. Reading Food Labels is important to determine the serving size,...
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Women Cancer

Why Are So Many Women Getting Breast Cancer? 10 Surprising Little Known Reasons

More and more women are being diagnosed with breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer. If you are a cancer survivor, you most certainly do not want to have a cancer recurrence. If you...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.