Live Long Live Well Survivor-Thriver Remission Support Kit 2.0

  • Optimized levels of Essential Active Forms of Vitamins and Minerals
  • Enhanced Longevity Support
  • Enhanced Cellular Protection
  • Promotes Detoxification
  • Provides Anti-oxidant activity
  • Enhances Immune Function
  • Supports Inflammation Control
  • Supports Normal Liver Function,
  • Supports Mitochondrial function
  • Promotes Vital Energy and Vitality
  • Supports Cardiovascular and Neurologic Health
  • Iron Free Copper Free Formulation
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Product Description

Combines Dr. Nalini’s DAILY ESSENTIALS supplements to optimize your nutritional status to meet your unique nutritional needs PLUS Cellular Protection, Detoxification Support, and Enhanced Longevity Support

Create a Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive


DAILY ESSENTIALS provides a strategic combination of nutritional and herbal supplements, free of copper, iron, boron and tocopherols to optimize the cancer terrain and support a body where cancer cannot thrive. Composed of active and highly absorbable nutrients to address the unique and comprehensive needs of patients whose lives have been touched by cancer.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.