cancer prevention

Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors | Book Review

So say the authors of a recently published book, The Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors Here is a must have book for all women who have been through breast cancer and want to...
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How To Recognize Cancer | Healthy Woman Checklist Part Two

In Part 1 of 16 Signs of Women’s Cancers I discuss important reasons why every woman must take control of monitoring changes in her own body. Because of the staggering statistic that one on three...
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Cervical Cancer Part 2 of 3 | How to Take Control Naturally

Cervical Cancer Part 2 of 3 How To Prevent Cervical Cancer Naturally:What Can You Do To Save Your Own Life? No one should be diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. Here is how you can take charge of...
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Cervical Cancer Part 3 of 3 | 16 Herbs and Spices That Enhance Cervical Health

Here are 16 Herbs, Spices and Foods that Promote A Healthy Cervix There is a long tradition throughout history on many continents of using herbal medicines for women’s health concerns, including changes in the cells...
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7 Reasons To Eat Cranberries | Cancer Fighting Superfood

Cranberries are one of the great Superfoods rich in plant antoxidants and cancer fighting phytochemicals called proanthocyanadins (PACs). Here are Seven Reasons To Eat Cranberries This Season and All Year Long 1. Super Antioxidant Cell Protective...
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Milk Thistle Protects Cells FromToxic Chemotherapy Side Effects

Can Herbal Medicine and Chemotherapy work together for the benefit of cancer patients?  Several studies show that the extract of Milk Thistle seeds (Silybum marianum), particulary the phytochemicals silibinin and silymarin not only protect delicate...
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Is Breast Cancer Linked to Lack of Sleep?

Are you setting the stage for Breast Cancer by getting too little or poor quality sleep? If not, you are not getting your nightly dose of melatonin. Breast Cancer is linked to the hormone melatonin...
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32 Things You Can Do To Control Cancer

> So what does Cancer Control Really Mean?   With cancer rates on the rise worldwide, include both Cancer Prevention, taking actions that prevent getting cancer in the first place and also Reducing Your Risk...
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How To Detox Your Life in 6 Steps

Take clean to a whole new level and detox your body, mind, emotions, spirit, and relationships. My dear friend and colleague, Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D. is a brilliant functional medicine physician.  Here is his take on...
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Shitake | Anti-Cancer Mushroom

Shitake (Lentinula  edodes) is both a medicinal as well as very tasty edible mushroom with potent immune modulating properties of value to cancer patients and those who wish to avoid getting cancer in the first...
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Is It Safe To Eat Food In America?

In America, the food is about profit, not health and nutrion. Perfectly whole healthy foods available just as nature made them have been replaced with genetically engineered  manufactured and altered proteins that trigger  immune responses...
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Listen to Dr. Chilkov talk about Chinese Medicine and Cancer Support

Listen to a free recording of  Dr. Nalini Chilkov  talking about Chinese Medicine, Health, Healing and Cancer: “Ancient Tradition Transforms Modern Cancer Care: How Chinese Medicine Manages Painful Side Effects, Restores Health and Wholeness, Promotes Longevity...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.