How To Save Cancer Patients Dying From Blood Clots
If you are a cancer patient you certainly don’t expect to die from a blood clot. You usually expect to die from the cancer itself. Cancer patients have a seven times higher risk of complications from...

Resveratrol | Major Impact on Cancer and Inflammation
Resveratrol is a potent anti-oxidant found in red and purple grapes and berries. It is used extensively in China as a longevity tonic and to support cancer patients and cardiovascular patients. Resveratrol can actually turn...

Integrative Cancer Answers Health News | Inflammation Lowers Breast Cancer Survival
Inflammation not only increases breast cancer risk, but a new study finds that women with the highest levels of inflammation at the time of diagnosis have the poorest survival. Inflammation levels were determined by measuring...

Breast Implants Linked to Polymyositis | One Woman Finds Relief
In an article I wrote for the Huffington Post 25 Reasons Not to Get Breast Implants, I discussed the dangers of breast implants, including a destructive and painful auto-immune disease, polymyositis, a severe and damaging...

Leading Cause of Breast Cancer | Overweight Women at Highest Risk
Is it possible that obesity will become the biggest cause of cancer??? The answer may be yes. (more…)...

5 Foods That Turn Off Cancer Promoting Inflammation
There is a major pro-inflammatory gene lurking inside the center of every cell. When this gene gets turned on the stage is set for the development of cancer. You can turn it off with food. NFkB...

Cervical Cancer Part 2 of 3 | How to Take Control Naturally
Cervical Cancer Part 2 of 3 How To Prevent Cervical Cancer Naturally:What Can You Do To Save Your Own Life? No one should be diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. Here is how you can take charge of...

What Do Heart Disease and Cancer Have In Common? Part 1
February is Heart Health Awareness Month and Cancer Prevention Month Heart Disease and Cancer Share MANY of the SAME Risk Factors Here are 12 Factors that increase your chances of Developing both Heart Disease AND...

What Do Heart Disease and Cancer Have In Common? Part 2
In Part One I discussed the first Six of Twelve Factors Common to the development of BOTH Cancer and Heart Disease and what you can do with diet, lifestyle, heart healthy and immune healthy foods...

Is It Safe To Eat Food In America?
In America, the food is about profit, not health and nutrion. Perfectly whole healthy foods available just as nature made them have been replaced with genetically engineered manufactured and altered proteins that trigger immune responses...

Listen to Dr. Chilkov talk about Chinese Medicine and Cancer Support
Listen to a free recording of Dr. Nalini Chilkov talking about Chinese Medicine, Health, Healing and Cancer: “Ancient Tradition Transforms Modern Cancer Care: How Chinese Medicine Manages Painful Side Effects, Restores Health and Wholeness, Promotes Longevity...

Chinese Herb Ganoderma May Promote Health of Bladder Cancer Patients
An Ancient Chinese Herb, Reishi or Ganoderma, One of the Great Medicinal Healing Mushrooms has many gifts to offer Cancer Patients. Ganoderma is one the the great Immune Modulating Tonics and has been used...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.