women and cancer

How To Recognize Cancer: The Healthy Woman Checklist Part One

Cancer is scary. Health is precious. Losing our health and well-being, especially to a deadly and life-threatening disease such as cancer, is often in our own hands at first. If we are paying close attention...
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Free Exercise Program for Women with Cancer

Free Exercise Program for Women with Cancer Just a few blocks from my Integrative Cancer Care and Wellness Medicine clinic in Santa Monica, California, the local chapter of the YMCA hosts Encore: A Free Program for...
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Chronic Pain after Cancer Treatment | Acupuncture to the Rescue

Chronic Pain after Cancer Treatment | Acupuncture to the Rescue Did you survive cancer but now find yourself living with chronic pain?  There is a solution. An article “Kicking Cancer but Living with Chronic Pain...
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Women’s Health in Danger | Doctors Say Skip Exams

The Status of Women’s Health Is In Danger. Do NOT let any doctor tell you to skip important life saving gynecologic exams. Stay Informed!  This year the American College of Physicians made a choice against women’s...
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The Real Reasons You Might Get Bladder Cancer

Helping others live healthy, full lives is my passion! I have been traveling around the country speaking at many cancer conferences. As I was walking back to my hotel room at a recent conference, a woman...
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Why are 1 in 3 women diagnosed with cancer?

Why you need to think about prevention. It is pretty startling and very sobering to realize that if you are sitting with your sisters, mom, grandmother, aunts, close friends…let’s say there are six of you...
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Lessons from 5 Years of Drought

I live in California. Everywhere the weather patterns are changing. We are going into our 5th year of severe drought. Now I turn off the water in the shower as I wash my hair or...
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How to Address PreCancerous Lesions Before They Become Malignant

Talking About Prevention: Focusing on Cancer Terrain   Q&A with Dr. Nalini Question Do you have any information for addressing *pre*-cancerous lesions *before* they become cancerous?  How does their metabolism differ from normal vs. cancerous...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.