Are you tired of the effort, energy and expense it takes to shop for and prepare healthy organic food?? I am committed to and recommend eating freshly prepared whole organic food. ( I am happy to say I have NEVER eaten from a fast food chain in my entire life!! I must be an exception!) But like you, sometimes I just don’t have time to prepare my ideal meal. I was really skeptical when a colleague of mine, J.J. Virgin, suggested I explore a line of doctor-nutritionist specially designed low carb, low glycemic, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, nut free, sugar free, high protein paleo meals with a large serving of vegetables and made from mostly organic ingredients that I could confidently recommend to my patients.
Frozen food? No Way! Thoughts and visions of TV dinners from childhood came to mind. I NEVER buy frozen food, even in the health food store. And then I thought about all of the people I know whose lives are really busy or perhaps they are in the midst of chemotherapy for cancer treatment, suffering from side effects, recently recovering from surgery, or just having one of those days or weeks, or just home from a long trip and have not gone to the health food store yet, a long day at the office, caught in traffic, home late…all of whom would really like to eat healthy meals. Take some of the stress out of trying to stay on an anti-cancer diet and eat a decent meal!
So, I talked to the owner of Artisan Bistro Direct and they sent me 12 sample meals to try. I was ready for the taste of cardboard or freezer burn. And I have to tell you honestly, THEY ACTUALLY TASTE GOOD!! And they are made from really healthy ingredients. You will see their regular retail line of meals in some health food stores, but they have designed some very special meals just for professionals to recommend to their patients. These special meals were put together by physicians and nutritionists for the needs of patients on special diets. And as a part of my community, you can have exclusive access to these specialty meals not available elsewhere as well that follow the guidelines I recommend to my patients. Keep reading.
I have tried all of them and these are my favorites: Roasted Red Pepper Chicken, Wild Alaskan Salmon with Pesto, Chipotle Barbeque Chicken, Wild Alaskan Salmon with Balsamic Glaze…They all come with a good serving of protein 25-30 grams. (Remember I recommend at least 60 grams per day, 20 -30 grams per meal) and lots of vegetables (at least 8 servings a day) all flavored with herbs and spices (filled with phytochemicals with anti oxidant and anti cancer properties). They are made fresh and frozen and shipped to your door. The more you order, the lower the price. You have to order 12 or 24 meals per order. Small orders are less than $9.00 per meal and larger orders are less than $8.00 per meal. They also come in eco friendly safe non toxic packaging. I actually met the owner and he is committed to quality and consistency and flavor! He’s the real deal. He is also coming up with a selection of vegetarian meals as well. Stay tuned for those! Of course, if you want to COOK fresh healthy organic meals at home, please do explore all of the great recipes I have for you here!!! (Go the categories menu and select Recipes or go to the search field and enter Recipe)
I don’t usually plug products or do infomercials. This is the very first time EVER. But I feel that this is really a viable option for those long days and busy weeks when this would provide a truly healthy choice. They have a generous portion of lean clean protein, Do I recommend that you eat frozen food, even healthy organic frozen food as your main daily diet? No way, absolutely not. Would you like to have a good choice for those days when you just can’t get it together to prepare an organic (wild caught fish, grass fed high omega 3 beef, free range organic chicken) healthy meal for yourself or your family? This is a line of products I can recommend. And if you count the value of your time, I would say these meals are often less costly than cooking them yourself. And they are gluten free, dairy free, no nuts, no soy, no sugar, no chemicals, in safe packaging.
You get $10.00 off your first order. And…you can ONLY order these doctor designed meals that meet my anticancer guidelines with my special professional “Practitioner Code-891418” Click here to place your order and give them a try. And PLEASE also comment and let us know how you liked them!!
Click HERE to order from Artisan Bistro Direct
For a really great cook book so you can make super healthy meals at home read my review of The Longevity Kitchen
PS I am always searching for great information, people, products and programs. So I have decided it is important to write reviews and to share them with you, so that you can make healthy choices and you don’t have to figure it all out yourself. I am very picky and selective and I want you to be too! Sometimes there may be things you can purchase, and if so, I will receive a commission for that referral. Please be assured that I never share anything free, or paid, to you, if I don’t have full faith and confidence that it will truly be of benefit and value.