In an article I wrote for the Huffington Post 25 Reasons Not to Get Breast Implants, I discussed the dangers of breast implants, including a destructive and painful auto-immune disease, polymyositis, a severe and damaging muscle disease. The disease can spread, attacking and weakening muscles, not only on the chest wall but all over the body leading to severe pain, weakness and debilitation.
I received this touching email from a woman in Peru, grateful that we had provided information that led to her relief. This is is what makes my day and gives my work meaning. To be able to touch women’s lives all over the world!!!
This should also impress upon you the dangers of toxic chemical exposures and the need to relieve our bodies of cumulative chemical burden. I recommend a guided whole body cleanse every spring and fall at a minimum.
Stay tuned for our signature Pure Body Systems Cleanse designed by Dr. Nalini coming soon!
dear dr nalini, sorry because my english is not very well. two years ago i was diagnosticated with polimiositis with 3,600 cpk . i was taken 60mg daily cortisone and other pills fron 3 months. 6 months before i felt sick one of mi breast implant was very hard contracture. looking about this in internet i found your book and in your book you said that tha implants might produce polimiositis. one year ago i got out tha implants and began a homeopathic treatment, those things with the best doctors,im so so well. nothing about the illness!!!! thank you G.R, San Isidro Lima, Peru.
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