Can Acupuncture Help Cancer Patients?
Can an Ancient Healing System practiced for thousands of years be useful in the modern cancer care setting? The National Cancer Institute says YES! Acupuncture has demonstrated benefit to cancer patients in the following...

Alternative Cancer Choices ANTI-CANCER By David Servan-Schreiber, M.D.
Anticancer, A New Way of Life This is a book about alternative cancer care and health by David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., a medical doctor who was diagnosed with brain cancer and beat the odds. When faced...

Empowering Personal Recovery from Cancer
Cancer patients undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapy, cancer patients in recovery as well as cancer survivors all deal with quality of life issues. Integrative Oncology and Alternative Cancer Care focus on the needs...

Eat an Anti-Cancer Diet: Read “Recipe For Life”
A Recipe for Life by the Doctor’s Dietitian by Susan Dopart, M.S., R.D. Eating a healthy diet is one of the cornerstones of alternative cancer care. A Recipe for Life is a book on healthy eating...

Wise Words for Cancer Patients and Cancer Survivors
The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary Many years ago I studied with a remarkable woman named Angeles Arrien. She teaches a path called The Four Fold Way which...

The Gift of Cancer
Image by alles-schlumpf via Flickr A cancer diagnosis comes with many challenges and many unexpected gifts. In an alternative cancer model, which is one of integration and healing, I encourage patients to use the experience...

Friendship, Longevity and Survival
As life unfolds and the challenges of aging and illness arise, having a support system of family and nourishing friendships is vital. Statistics show that cancer patients with family support and a network of friends...

Pink Skies: A film about Breast Cancer and Courage
I recently attended a private screening of Pink Skies: a film about women, breast cancer and courage. Explored are the challenges and the questions breast cancer patients and clinicians face everyday, including both conventional and...

Acupuncture and Cancer
I came across a great post today which discusses the ever widening use of acupuncture for cancer patients both during treatment to manage side effects and improve quality of life and after cancer treatment to...

A Single Mother With A Brain Tumor Speaks
Every now and then a patient takes the time to remind me why I practice. Often I really am not fully aware of the patient’s inner experience unless they choose to share it with me....

Controlling Inflammation: Five Natural Ways to Put Out The Fire
Cancer and Inflammation The relationship between cancer and inflammation is well established. There is a strong association between chronic, ongoing inflammation in the body and the occurrence of cancer. It is most obviously demonstrated with...

Dr. David Servan Schreiber: A Path to Health for Cancer Patients
Dr. David Servan Schreiber M.D. is a medical doctor who is a brain cancer survivor. His own diagnosis as a cancer patient took him on a journey to health and cancer survivorship. He is the...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.