Cervical Cancer Part 2 of 3 How To Prevent Cervical Cancer Naturally:What Can You Do To Save Your Own Life?
No one should be diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. Here is how you can take charge of your cervical health.
In Part 1 of this series you learned about Cervical Cancer and its causes. What is Cervical Cancer? What Causes Cervical Cancer? Are You At High Risk for Cervical Cancer?
In Part 2 you learn about all of the things you can do to prevent getting Cervical Cancer in the first place: Foods Diet and Lifestyle Factors and Medical exams that may save your life.
In Part 3 you learn about powerful Herbal Medicines and Spices that have been used traditionally and studied scientifically that promote the health of cervical cells.
What Can You Do To Prevent Cervical Cancer and Promote Cervical Health?
Eat A Healthy Diet rich in Anti-Oxidants, especially carotenoids. Carotenoids are found primarly in foods with yellow, orange and green colors. Carrots, winter squash, yams, sweet potatoes, canteloupe, spinach, chard, kale, for example.
Eat foods rich in natural not synthetic folic acid. Higher levels of natural folic acid are associated with lower rates of cervical cancer and with healthy turnover and repair of cervical cells. Natural folic acid is found in dark leafy greens such as spinach and chard as well as in whole grains.
Eat a diet rich in cabbage family vegetables including all cabbages, broccoli, kale, cauliflower and bok choy. These vegetables are rich in phytonutrients called sulphoraphanes important in preventing many cancers including cervical cancer.
Get Regular Reproductive Health Exams If you are sexually active or about to be, or if you are menstruating, see your physician on at least an annual basis for a thorough gynecologic well woman gynecologic pelvic exam, including a complete PAP Smear. A complete PAP Smear, looking for the presence and the forms of HPV virus by sampling cells from the lining of the cervix. If you have unusual odors or discharges, burning, itching, sores, discomfort, see your physician for a thorough exam as soon as possible. These are signs of infection and should be addressed promptly.
Consider a vaccination to enhance your immune response to the HPV virus Although I am very conservative about the use of vaccinations in general because vaccination is controversial and not without risk. However, young people who are sexually active do not always practice safe six 100% of the time. Therefore there is an argument for vaccinating young people who may have multiple sexual partners over the course of their lives. The HPV vaccination can be given to girls, boys, women and men between the ages of 9 and 26. The vaccination is purported to reduce incidence of HPV infections by 70%. Therefore the vaccine is NOT 100% protection against HPV virus and does NOT protect against other sexually transmitted diseases. Safe sex is still required. Vaccination is a decision that should be made on an individual basis with your health care provider.
Stop Smoking:Smoking is associated with higher rates of cervical cancer.
Engage in a lifestyle that enhances immune function: Get adequate sleep: 7-9 hours each night. Manage your stress. Relax daily. Eat a nutrient dense diet of fresh whole, unprocessed foods. Emphasize organic chemical free cancer fighting foods. Eat 3 servings of hormone free protein and 8-12 servings of deeply pigmented fruits and vegetables every day. Eat healthy fats such as olive oil, flax seeds and flax oil, walnuts, avocados and cold water fish such as wild caught salmon and cod on a regular basis. Eat high omega 3 grass fed (not grain fed) eggs, dairy products, meats and poultry. Limit all refined sugars and sweets and alcohol. Support your immunity by exercising moderately a minimum 150 minutes each week (30 minutes 5 days per week) and including immune modulating herbs.
Practice Safe Sex : Be Well Informed, Communicate, Ask Questions, Answer Honestly
- Know the history of your sexual partner before you have sex
- Have you or your partner ever had
- Any sexually transmitted diseases?
- Multiple partners?
- Practiced unsafe or unprotected sex?
- Use a protective barrier such as a diaphragm, cervical cap or condoms which offer some protection. HPV Human Papilloma Virus is linked to cervical cancer. However, viruses are very very small and these barriers provide only limited, not complete protection.
- Oral Sex: Be Careful, Be Informed. The HPV virus can be transmitted to the external genitalia, the skin of the penis, the vulva and labia. The HPV can be contracted orally and is associated with cancers of the mouth, head and neck. So, oral sex is not safe sex with respect to the HPV virus.
- Someone can be a carrier of the HPV virus and not know it. Symptoms are often absent in men carrying the virus. Some women are not aware that they harbor the virus. A thorough medical exam is one way to explore the health of your sexual organs.
Be sure to read
Cervical Cancer Part 1: What Is Cervical Cancer? What Causes Cervical Cancer? Are You At High Risk?
Cervical Part 3: 16 Herbs and Spices That Enhance and Promote Cervical Health Over Cervical Cancer
Photo Credit O’Keefe pansy Andrew Huff.