Recipe: Arugula Salad With Peach and Goat Cheese

Peach With Blue Cheese And Rocket SaladArugula Salad with Peach and Goat Cheese is a harmony of flavors and textures to delight the senses.

Arugula is rich in cancer fighting sulphoraphanes. Peaches bring both tanginess and sweetness along with anti0xidant cell protective carotenoids.   A drizzle of olive oil, a source of Vitamins A and E and a sprinkling of cranberries filled with cell protective plant chemicals makes this a nutrient packed main dish or side dish.

Serves 4

Gluten free


4 ounces organic baby arugula leaves (about 6 cups)

Juice and Zest of one organic lemon

1 Tablespoon organic extra virgin olive oil

4 firm ripe peaches, cut in half, pits removed

1 four ounce round log of goat cheese  (optional if you are vegan or dairy sensitive)

¼ cup finely chopped and toasted pecans or walnuts

¼ cup dried cranberries

sea salt

freshly ground black pepper


Lightly toast ¼ cup of finely chopped fresh walnuts or pecans

To toast nuts:

place chopped nuts in a dry cast iron pan and hold over a medium heat until very lightly toasted, shaking  or stirring the pan constantly OR place in a toaster oven for 2-4 minutes

Remove from pan onto a flat plate immediately and let cool
Add ¼ cup dried cranberries to plate with cooled, toasted nuts

Roll the goat cheese log in the nut and cranberry mixture so that the surface of the goat cheese log is coated with nuts and cranberries

Cut the log into four rounds

Toss Arugula leaves with  lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil, ¼ teaspoon sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

Compose the Arugula Salad

Divide the tossed arugula onto 4 salad plates

Place one round of nut/berry encrusted goat cheese on top of arugula

Place peach halves on top of greens, add a squeeze of lemon juice,and a light sprinkling of sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


Drizzle a little honey over each peach half

Add a garnish of freshly chopped basil leaves on top of each plate

Sprinkle each salad with ¼ teaspoon of fresh thyme leaves (use lemon thyme if available)

Add 4 ounces of sliced chicken breast or top with ½ cup of garbanzo beans to add protein to your meal.

Serves 4

Gluten Free

Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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