Thirty Reasons Why Most Cancer Patients Choose Integrative Cancer Care
- To be proactive, to take control, to take charge of decisions that affect my care, my health, my experience, my results and outcomes
- To participate in my own care and my own decisions rather than giving power to make all decisions away to my care providers.
- To feel a sense of empowerment rather than be disenfranchised and disempowered
- To decrease and manage my fear, stress and anxiety and to support, increase and improve my peace of mind.
- To ask my care providers to work with me as a team and to show respect for my values, my feelings and my choices in all decisions.
- I choose to reject an approach based solely on a War on Cancer that only targets my cancer tumor cells and neglects the whole person and the environment
- I choose a comprehensive care approach using a wide range of therapies, tools and resources from many traditions and many points of view.
- I choose individualized and targeted care which views me and my cancer as unique and in which decisions and choices are based on a careful analysis of the traits and characteristics of my cancer cells and my unique physiology, genetics and risk factors rather than a generic one size fits all approach.
- I choose Humane, Caring and Compassionate Whole Person Patient Centered Care for my Body, Mind and Spirit
- I choose safe and non toxic therapies whenever possible
- To actively manage and reduce both short term and long term toxic side effects from conventional cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormones and other drugs used by oncologists, radiologists and surgeons.
- To manage and reduce my pain with safe and non-toxic therapies
- To enhance and improve the therapeutic benefit and effect of my treatments
- To enhance and improve my survival
- To use therapies that prevent further cancers and recurrences or that may increase and extend my disease free time to recurrence.
- To enhance and improve the quality of my life during and after cancer treatment
- To support and strengthen my sense of well-being
- To feel a sense hope over hopelessness and despair
- To include a plan and a goal for Health and Wellness in my Cancer Journey
- To clearly recognize that absence of disease is not the same as rebuilding, nourishing and sustaining health and healthy function.
- To protect, support and stimulate all systems including my immune system, digestive system, heart, liver, kidneys, brain, skin and bone marrow affected by my treatments.
- To protect my cells, tissues and organs from damage during my treatment
- To grow and develop effective coping strategies for myself
- To address the continuous small and large traumatic experiences that cancer patients undergo as part of every stage of my cancer journey.
- To develop and cultivate positive, supportive healing relationships with my care providers, my team.
- To utilize Integrative Cancer Care and alternative treatments when the conventional oncology treatment offered to me is perceived as worse than the disease itself.
- To utilize Integrative Cancer Care when there are no conventional oncology treatments that offer me a therapeutic benefit
- To utilize Integrative Oncology Care when the known risks of conventional oncology treatments are greater than the known benefits of those treatments.
- To utilize Integrative Cancer and alternatives to conventional care and to use Integrative Cancer Care without conventional oncology treatments when there are no effective conventional cancer treatments recommended or available to me.
- To meet the diagnosis and experience of cancer as an opportunity to find meaning, to grow, to develop and to transform emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
- I have fundamental confidence in the value and benefits of Integrative Cancer Treatments that address the whole person and have my health, recovery, survival, quality of life and peace of mind (not just absence of disease) as both a short term and a long term goal.
Choosing an Integrative Cancer Care approach makes a significant difference for each unique individual cancer patient. In this model, the patient is a fully empowered participant in making decisions and choices related to their Cancer Treatment, Cancer Recovery and Cancer Survivorship in concert with their team of care providers. This is the goal of evidence based, compassionate person centered health care: combining the best of science and nature, modern knowledge and ancient healing wisdom, in order to transform disease, restore healthy function, wholeness and quality of life to each unique individual patient. Rather than a model focused primarily on disease management, this is a model which also includes health, healing and the whole person as well as the internal and external environments of each unique individual to form a matrix in which the continuum of health and disease can be more fully understood. When a health care model includes not only disease management , but also the restored health and function, different choices are made by both patients and care providers. Even if the disease is not eradicated and recovery is not possible, healing and wholeness may still unfold. Even in terminal illness, when compassionate care becomes the primary care, there can be integration of the experience and capacity to face the end of life and make peace with what is so.
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