10 Reasons You Should be Tested for Vitamin D
Vitamin D can reduce your risk of the flu and complications of flu. Vitamin D contributes to lowering the incidence of infections and inflammation during the fall-winter flu season. The Canadian government has recommended increased...

Book Review | Naked Calories | Are You Losing Your Health One Bite at A Time?
Are We Missing Important Nutrients in Our Modern Diet??? You Bet We Are! Did you know that your cells are literally starving on the modern diet? Can hidden nutrient depletions lead to fatigue, chronic illnesses,...

Top High Lignan Foods that Lower Breast Cancer Risk
This Unique Plant Chemical Could Prevent Estrogen-Related Cancer Postmenopausal women who consume diets rich in a plant chemicals called lignans have a lower risk of breast cancer. A review of 21 studies from the German Cancer Research...

Why Insurance Companies Win and Patients Lose The Health Care Game
Health Insurance in America is not really about delivering health CARE. It seems to me that it is most often about obstructing access to care when it is most needed. This is primarily because health...

A Solution to the Sugar and Cancer Connection
New York Times Best Selling Author and brilliant nutritionist, Diane Sanfilippo, B.S. , N.C., has done it again. In her new bookThe 21 Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar and Carb Cravings Naturally. She’s put together...

Dr. Nalini featured in Integrative Cancer Medicine Magazine
Dr. Nalini Featured in Integrative Cancer Medicine Magazine – Alternative Health Therapies Allopathic, Integrative, Functional, Natural, Holistic A Fantastic New Publication By Cynthia Tercha Check it out!!...

10 Tips to Boost Immunity
Taking care of your immune system is the key to getting well and staying well. Incorporate these simple elements into your daily life and you can truly create robust immunity and vitality. Adequate, Restful Sleep Get...

Six Steps to More Energy and Less Fatigue
If you are feeling fatigued due to cancer treatments or tired and wired due to stress here are the keys to nourishing sustained energy and vitality. You can have more energy and less fatigue. Eat...

The Seven Day Happiness Equation
Dr. Martin Seligman is an elder and a master psychotherapist. He is is the father of Positive Psychology. He is actually interested in people who are healthy and happy! He has done formal research studies...

Never Give Up | Inspirational Diana Nyad TED talk
You can accomplish anything. Regardless of your age or your circumstances, it’s about the journey and being authentically and fully yourself. This inspiring TED Talk by Diana Nyad is all about living life to the...

Affordable Care Act Helps Cancer Patients and Their Families
The Affordable Care Act helps cancer patients and their families in many ways. Download this free document from the American Cancer Society The Affordable Care Act: How It Helps People With Cancer and Their Families to learn...

Health Care in America | You Won’t Believe This
Have you been injured more than once due to an unspecified encounter with a chicken, been bitten by an orca whale a second time or been injured at the opera? In 2014 not only has...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.