Cancer, Healing and Revelation
So why did I really develop expertise in the healing and support of cancer patients? Three weeks ago one of my dearest and most cherished lifelong friends was diagnosed with advanced and terminal cancer, given...

Relief from Chemotherapy Therapy Side Effects: Natural Medicine
For many cancer patients, finding ways to manage the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal treatments is a great challenge. Most patients do not want to take more drugs and are looking for safe, health...

Healing Cancer| A New Health Model
After a near death experience five years ago, Dr. Robert Zieve, M.D. became inspired to manifest his vision: Healthy Medicine: A New Mainstream in Health Care, an integrated and inclusive model combining the best of...

B Vitamin May Be of Value in Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer
Niacinamide, a B Vitamin, may be of value to women with genetic risk of Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer. Why are some women more prone to developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer? This is a...

Advanced Ovarian Cancer | A Personal Story of Health and Survival
Image via Wikipedia From one of my patients: I was diagnosed with stage IIIc ovarian cancer. After the initial shock, I got busy putting together an amazing team of practitioners to get me through this...

Breast Cancer Treatment Damages Your Brain
“Chemo Brain is not “all in your mind” It’s real. New Research confirms that the brain is permanently damaged by chemotherapy. After breast cancer treatment women experience many side effects including ongoing problems with attention,...

Acupuncture Prevents Radiation Side Effect in Cancer Patients
Acupuncture can prevent radiation-induced chronic dry mouth, study finds When given alongside radiation therapy for head and neck cancer, acupuncture has shown for the first time to reduce the debilitating side effect of xerostomia (dry mouth),...

Cancer Survivors Live Longer With Herbal Medicine and Vitamins
Up to seven times as many cancer patients survive and live more years when conventional treatment is combined with and followed by long term use of Herbal Medicine and Vitamins. Beat the Odds. Lung cancer...

Chemotherapy Side Effects: Acupuncture Reduces Infection Risk
Cancer treatment with chemotherapy results in many unwanted side effects. Acupuncture is a powerful therapy for managing chemotherapy side effects. One of the most common chemotherapy side effects is suppression of the bone marrow which...

Nine Ways Acupuncture Benefits Cancer Patients
Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing with modern applications. Many leading edge cancer centers today include acupuncture therapy for cancer patients. For the cancer patient or cancer survivor/thrivor, research supports the use of acupuncture for...

Over the Counter Drugs and Herbs May Reduce Spread of Cancer | New Study
A new study (1) reveals that the spread of cancer may be reduced with common over the counter drugs. The study shows that reducing inflammation using widely used, inexpensive non steroidal anti-inflammatory non-prescription medications (NSAIDs)...

How to Create an Integrative Cancer Care Plan
How to be a Cancer Survivor and Thriver. The message here is BE PROACTIVE in your own decisions and care and BUILD A TEAM. Tend to the WHOLE PERSON, body, mind and spirit. Tend to...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.