Inspiration and Healing

Who Is the Emperor of All Maladies?

Over 30 years ago, cancer got really personal for me. Both of my parents were diagnosed. No one else in our family ever had cancer. This got my attention. I questioned whether we had all...
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The Real Reasons You Might Get Bladder Cancer

Helping others live healthy, full lives is my passion! I have been traveling around the country speaking at many cancer conferences. As I was walking back to my hotel room at a recent conference, a woman...
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10 Minute Wellness Tips

Improve just about every area of your health with wellness tips.  It’s absolutely free, no strings attached. My friends, Brad Costanzo and Bob Serling, at 10 Minute Wellness Tips, have just released a series of short,...
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The Benefits of Vulnerability

I have been pondering some big words, like vulnerability and helplessness lately.   For me, being a very independent person and mostly a loner, asking for help and vulnerability are all uncomfortably woven together. I...
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June is Cancer Survivors Month

I don’t really like the word “survivor”…it sounds like the walking wounded. Some people like the word “thriver” instead of “survivor”. I prefer to talk about “living well beyond cancer”. Today in the US there are...
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How to STOP Stress and find CALM

Cancer is stressful. In fact, some experts say that cancer is traumatic and that anyone who has lived through or lives with cancer suffers from traumatic stress. I have been a meditator for over 40...
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August is “Happiness Month”

This seems a bit odd to me as happiness should really be a year round theme! When the word “happiness” crops up, I am reminded of a conversation I had with a beautifully reflective and deep...
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The Easiest Way to Boost Your Immunity for Free!

Gratitude and Meaning. I received this message from a patient who went through a very challenging and stressful course of treatment with chemotherapy and radiation. Here is what he had to say now that he...
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9 Keys to Staying Alive & Well

This book will change your life. Radical Remission is a book by Kelly Turner, Ph.D. She is a scientist and a researcher and a generally outrageous, beautiful and brilliant woman. I had the good fortune of...
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Lessons from 5 Years of Drought

I live in California. Everywhere the weather patterns are changing. We are going into our 5th year of severe drought. Now I turn off the water in the shower as I wash my hair or...
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10 Minute Tip: Turn Off Cancer Genes by “Eating the Rainbow”

Dr. Nalini’s best advice…in just 10 minutes! Recently, the founders of the 10 Minute Tips Network asked Dr. Nalini for her best single tip to improve your health, and to drill it down into 10...
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What to Say to Your Oncologist

The Seven Traits of Leadership on the High Seas of Cancer By Craig R. Hildreth, MD To My New Oncologist, I am hoping that you can help me. I just found out that I have...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.