Cancer Causing Cosmetics: Poisons in Your Bathroom
Beware these Hidden Threats in Your Make-Up Bag Everyday we use a myriad of personal care products on our bodies, from soaps and lotions to shampoos and conditioners, makeup and shaving creams. The ingredients in personal...

Cancer Causing Chemicals: Dangerous Exposures Everyday
More than 80,000 chemicals now in use have never been fully assessed for toxic impact on human health. Many of these chemicals are linked to increased incidence of cancer. You may think that the chemical...

Ten Toxins You Can Remove From Your Home Now
I just discovered a great website with lots of information on how to clean and green your home. Here is a free ebook written by Debra Lynn Dadd “Ten Toxics You Can Toss Today”. This...

Potassium Iodide for Radiation Exposure
Many people have asked about taking iodine for radiation protection. The dose of potassium iodide is 130mg per day for adults and 65mg/day for children for protection against radioactive iodine exposure only. The must be...

Protection from Radiation NATURALLY
Here is some very sound and practical information from two of my friend and colleagues. The first is from Dr. Isaac Eliaz, M.D. who is also an expert in Integrative Cancer Care as well as...

Prepare for Radiation Exposure: Steps to Take Now
Although the US Government and the press are downplaying the risk of US citizens to radiation exposures from Japan, the Center for Disease Control is conducting a weekend of training for physicians and public health officials...

Childhood Cancers are Increasing | Are Environmental Toxins the Cause?
Here is a great post from EnviroBlog and Environmental Working Group Cancer: Putting Prevention First Medical experts will never cease searching for cures for the gravest illnesses that afflict people. But a growing consensus is...

Breast Cancer Linked to Parabens in Cosmetics
Parabens are cancer causing chemical preservatives found in almost ALL cosmetics and body care products and many drugs. A comprehensive study of women with breast cancer published in the January 2012 issue of the Journal...

Splenda Essentials is NOT a Safe Healthy Sweetener
Do you use Splenda as a sweetener thinking it is safe and healthy for you? Splenda is not natural and it’s not safe. Splenda is an ARTIFICIAL sweetener that has been marketed as a safe...

The 12 Most Toxic Foods That You Must Buy Organic
Buyer Beware. The Environmental Working Group has compiled a list of The Dirty Dozen, 12 soft skinned foods that absorb the most pesticides and that you must buy organic and The Clean Fifteen, tough skinned...

Cancer Causing Toxins in Your Home| Get Clean and Go Green
Here is a new website www.everydayexposures.com where you can learn all about the many toxins in your home, garden and garage. It is a visually oriented site where you can click on an item on...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.