Celebrate Cancer Survivors Day June 2, 2013

National Cancer Survivor’s Day is Sunday June 2 , 2013.  Make it a day filled with inspiration, hope, gratitude, celebration, friends and family!! You can organize and host your own event!!!

Excerpt from the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation:

National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual, treasured Celebration of Life that is held in hundreds of communities nationwide and around the world. It is a CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of SUPPORT for families, and an OUTREACH to the community. Participants unite in a symbolic event to show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be meaningful, productive, and even inspiring.

It is a day for everyone, whether you’re a cancer survivor, a family member, friend, or medical professional. This day provides an opportunity for all people living with a history of cancer – including America’s nearly 14 million cancer survivors – to connect with each other, celebrate milestones, and recognize those who have supported them along the way. Anyone can host an NCSD event. Get started with our 7 simple steps to organize your event.When is National Cancer Survivors Day?National Cancer Survivors Day is traditionally observed on the first Sunday in June. However, some communities choose a different day for their local celebration.What does the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation do?The nonprofit National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation provides free guidance, education, and networking to hundreds of hospitals, support groups, and other cancer-related organizations that host NCSD events in their communities. Through National Cancer Survivors Day, the Foundation works to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors by educating the public on the issues of survivorship.Who is a cancer survivor? The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation defines a “survivor” as anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life. National Cancer Survivors Day is an opportunity for your community to demonstrate that it has an active, productive cancer survivor population.We hope you will join us in celebrating National Cancer Survivors Day. To locate an event near you, contact your local cancer treatment center, hospital, or American Cancer Society office. If your community doesn’t currently hold an NCSD celebration, you can help organize one. Click here to find out how.

Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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