Chinese Herb Ganoderma May Promote Health of Bladder Cancer Patients

iStock_ganoderma_ExtraSmallAn Ancient Chinese Herb, Reishi or Ganoderma, One of the Great Medicinal Healing Mushrooms has many gifts to offer Cancer Patients.   Ganoderma is one the the great Immune Modulating Tonics and has been used for centuries in Asia to enhance rejuvenating and nourishing formulas that promote vitality and longevity. Recent research specifically shows that this powerful fungus may support  the health of bladder cancer patients as well.

Studies of Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Ling Zhi, have suggested the following benefits:

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Synergistic Cytotoxic Effects of Ganoderma lucidum and Bacillus Calmette Guérin on Premalignant Urothelial HUC-PC Cells and Its Regulation on Proinflammatory Cytokine Secretion. Yuen JW, Gohel MD, Ng CF. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:147896. doi: 10.1155/2012/147896. Epub 2012 Aug 28.

A novel adjuvant Ling Zhi-8 enhances the efficacy of DNA cancer vaccine by activating dendritic cells. Lin CC, Yu YL, Shih CC, Liu KJ, Ou KL, Hong LZ, Chen JD, Chu CL. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2011 Jul;60(7):1019-27. doi: 10.1007/s00262-011-1016-4. Epub 2011 Apr 17.

Ling-Zhi polysaccharides potentiate cytotoxic effects of anticancer drugs against drug-resistant urothelial carcinoma cells. Huang CY, Chen JY, Wu JE, Pu YS, Liu GY, Pan MH, Huang YT, Huang AM, Hwang CC, Chung SJ, Hour TC. J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Aug 11;58(15):8798-805. doi: 10.1021/jf1020158.
The dual roles of Ganoderma antioxidants on urothelial cell DNA under carcinogenic attack. Yuen JW, Gohel MD. J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Jul 23;118(2):324-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2008.05.003. Epub 2008 May 8.
Telomerase-associated apoptotic events by mushroom ganoderma lucidum on premalignant human urothelial cells. Yuen JW, Gohel MD, Au DW. Nutr Cancer. 2008;60(1):109-19. doi: 10.1080/01635580701525869.
Ganoderma – a therapeutic fungal biofactory.  Paterson RR. Phytochemistry. 2006 Sep;67(18):1985-2001. Epub 2006 Aug 14. Review.
Ganoderma lucidum extracts inhibit growth and induce actin polymerization in bladder cancer cells in vitro. Lu QY, Jin YS, Zhang Q, Zhang Z, Heber D, Go VL, Li FP, Rao JY. Cancer Lett. 2004 Dec 8;216(1):9-20.

Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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