Cancer Survivors Live Longer With Herbal Medicine and Vitamins
Up to seven times as many cancer patients survive and live more years when conventional treatment is combined with and followed by long term use of Herbal Medicine and Vitamins. Beat the Odds. Lung cancer...

Soothe Mouth Sores | Chemotherapy Side Effect
Chemotherapy cancer treatment has many side effects. One of the most common is painful mouth sores which can make it difficult to eat, drink and swallow. Here is a Smart Tip about a simple and...

Can I take nutritional supplements during my cancer treatments?
The answer is both YES and NO. Some nutrients and supplements offer support and may even reduce some toxic effects, while others may interfere with your treatments. Knowledge and guidance are required. Of course you should fully...

Can I take nutritional supplements during cancer treatment?
Can I Take Nutritional Supplements during Cancer Treatment? The answer is both YES and NO. Nutrients and supplements offer support and may even reduce toxic effects, while others may interfere with your treatments. Knowledge and...

Cancer Treatment Permanently Damages Your Heart: How to Protect Yourself
photo credit: 1600heart_2002 via photopin (license) Valentine’s Day is upon us. Our attention turns to matters of heart. Because I am not close to my own family, I have created a circle of love and...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.