Stop Cancer & Heart Disease
One Path to Health and Longevity: Stop Cancer and Heart Disease Following an Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Lowers Risk of Death from Heart Disease and All Causes A study of more than 100,000 men and women over...

Meditation Benefits Cancer Patients
Here is an excerpt from wonderful article by Dr. Joseph Nowinski, that appeared on the Huffington Post exploring meditation as a complement to cancer treatment. How Meditation Can Support Cancer Treatment Is Meditation Effective? There...

Can losing weight prevent you from getting cancer?
Research indicates that when weight goes up, so does the risk of many cancers. Here are highlights from a great article posted by The Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund on the relationship between obesity...

Cancer Fighting Foods: What Colors Are on Your Plate?
12 Reasons to Eat Anti-Cancer Carotenoid Rich Foods Every Day Have some carotenoids for dinner, and for lunch and for breakfast and you may improve your immune function and lower your risk of cancer. Carotenoids,...

Cancer, Stress and Depression | A Difficult Journey
Here is an excerpt from a wonderful series of articles on navigating the cancer journey with more support, resources and perspective. Dr. Joseph Nowinski, PhD, cancer psychologist, talks about using complementary therapies (I prefer the term...

Cancer Fighting Anti-Oxidants found in 3 Potent Chinese Herbs
Some of the richest sources of cell protective anti-oxidants, some with potential anti-cancer activity are found in Chinese Herbal Medicines, especially in medicinal fruits and berries. Here are three of the most potent anti-oxidant packed...

Cancer, Healing and Revelation
So why did I really develop expertise in the healing and support of cancer patients? Three weeks ago one of my dearest and most cherished lifelong friends was diagnosed with advanced and terminal cancer, given...

How To Turn On Your Cancer Fighting Genes
Please join me on free teleseminar I’m giving “How to Avoid Being the Next Woman Struck Down By Cancer: Five Powerful Steps You Can Take So You Won’t Be One of Them” 7AM Pacific /...

Acupuncture Prevents Radiation Side Effect in Cancer Patients
Acupuncture can prevent radiation-induced chronic dry mouth, study finds When given alongside radiation therapy for head and neck cancer, acupuncture has shown for the first time to reduce the debilitating side effect of xerostomia (dry mouth),...

Cancer Survivors Live Longer With Herbal Medicine and Vitamins
Up to seven times as many cancer patients survive and live more years when conventional treatment is combined with and followed by long term use of Herbal Medicine and Vitamins. Beat the Odds. Lung cancer...

Over the Counter Drugs and Herbs May Reduce Spread of Cancer | New Study
A new study (1) reveals that the spread of cancer may be reduced with common over the counter drugs. The study shows that reducing inflammation using widely used, inexpensive non steroidal anti-inflammatory non-prescription medications (NSAIDs)...

Fight Cancer in the Kitchen with Tumeric
You can fight cancer in the kitchen from your spice shelf. Many of the commonly used culinary herbs and spices are filled with anti-oxidants that can protect your cells and your DNA from damage. Watch...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.