Can Acupuncture Help Cancer Patients?
Can an Ancient Healing System practiced for thousands of years be useful in the modern cancer care setting? The National Cancer Institute says YES! Acupuncture has demonstrated benefit to cancer patients in the following...

Cancer Fighting Foods
Red grapes, strawberries, soybeans, dark chocolate, oranges, and green tea are among the foods with the ability to prevent blood vessel growth and thus slow the spread of cancer. ‘What we eat is really our...

Healthy Medicine: A New Model of Cancer Care
An Interview with Dr. Robert Zieve, M.D. After a near death experience five years ago, Dr. Robert Zieve, M.D. became inspired to manifest his vision: Healthy Medicine: A New Mainstream in Health Care, an integrated...

Stop Cancer & Heart Disease
One Path to Health and Longevity: Stop Cancer and Heart Disease Following an Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Lowers Risk of Death from Heart Disease and All Causes A study of more than 100,000 men and women over...

Can losing weight prevent you from getting cancer?
Research indicates that when weight goes up, so does the risk of many cancers. Here are highlights from a great article posted by The Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund on the relationship between obesity...

What If Your Mom Had Cancer? | Should You Be Worried?
If Your Mother Had Cancer, Are You At Risk? What is The Role of Family History? Should You Get Tested? There is a link between mothers, daughters and cancer risk. A family history of certain...

Do Fish Oils Really Cause Prostate Cancer?
A recent study on the relationship of EPA DHA fish oils to increased Prostate Cancer risk has raised alarm and created confusion. I am reprinting here a statement by my esteemed colleague Dr. Robert Rountree, MD,...

Tomatoes Rich In Lycopene | A Perfect Cancer Fighting Food
Tomato slices (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Tomatoes are lush, red and juicy and at their peak this time of year. Tomatoes get their red/orange color from the potent cancer fighting phytochemical, Lycopene. Lycopene is also found...

The Deadly Connection Between Cancer and Fat
There is a Deadly Connection Between Cancer and Fat. Fat is Out. Lean is In There is no place to hide. You have got to be svelte if you want to stay healthy and...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.