How does Green Tea Contribute to Weight Loss?
Green tea can lead to effective fat loss while preserving muscle, turning you into a lean fat burning machine. Green tea catechin ECGC keeps levels of the fat burning hormone norepinephrine high so you lose...

Anti-Cancer Diet Shopping List and Checklist
Here is a list of foods that comprise an Anti-Cancer Diet. Take this list with you when you go shopping Review the list each week to see how many of these foods you included. If...

Controlling Inflammation: Five Natural Ways to Put Out The Fire
Cancer and Inflammation The relationship between cancer and inflammation is well established. There is a strong association between chronic, ongoing inflammation in the body and the occurrence of cancer. It is most obviously demonstrated with...

The Cancer Fighting Kitchen | Anti-Cancer Foods and Recipes
This is a great cook book, not only for cancer patients, but for anyone who wants to eat a super healthy diet that also fights cancer with food!! Watch the video below!...

How Exercise Can Dramatically Lower Cancer Risk
The Bottom Line and the Good News is MORE EXERCISE AND ACTIVITY = LESS CANCER RISK, less stress, increased weight loss, better sleep, improved mood, less risk of heart disease and a better quality of...

Book Review | Active Against Cancer | Fight Cancer with Exercise
Active Against Cancer is a book about saving your own life, preserving your health and well being, one breath, one step at a time, during and after cancer treatment. The author, Nancy Brennan, is an ovarian...

What If Your Mom Had Cancer? | Should You Be Worried?
If Your Mother Had Cancer, Are You At Risk? What is The Role of Family History? Should You Get Tested? There is a link between mothers, daughters and cancer risk. A family history of certain...

Free Exercise Program for Women with Cancer
Free Exercise Program for Women with Cancer Just a few blocks from my Integrative Cancer Care and Wellness Medicine clinic in Santa Monica, California, the local chapter of the YMCA hosts Encore: A Free Program for...

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.