So say the authors of a recently published book,
The Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors Here is a must have book for all women who have been through breast cancer and want to thrive, not just survive. This is one of those books that I wish I had written. It’s that good!
The Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors is written by Dr. Helayne Waldman and Dr. Edward Bauman, seasoned and knowledgable science and research based nutritionists bent on teaching us about the power of foods and nutrients to transform our health in ways that inhibit the growth and progression of breast cancer. That means the rest of us should read it too!!
Clearly, patiently and with a touch of humor we are guided on a journey through the factors that promote breast cancer. We are then given clear, accessible, practical, simple solutions that anyone can take to move towards health and away from cancer risk. We meander through the ins and outs of how to manage some of the most important cancer promoters. Bauman and Waldman show us how increases in blood sugar, insulin, inflammation and stress are part of a pro-cancer terrain. They show us step by step how to change the environment of our cells with diet and nutrients so that we grow health instead of cancer. This is information that every woman (and man!) needs to know.
We get a look at the immune system, nutrient deficiencies, hormonal balance and the surprising ways in which the intestines and liver all contribute to creating a “hospitable” or “inhospitable” environment in which cancer may grow and progress.
There is also a thorough discussion on choosing quality supplements, a list of ingredients to stock our pantry, and an appendix full of cancer-fighting recipes.
If Your Food Is Turning On Your Genes, Then It Does Matter What You Eat!
One of the most exciting concepts in modern nutrition is Nutrigenomics, the study of how nutrients can turn genes on and off in response to changes in our environment. Change the environment of your cells and you might be able to turn off cancer promoter genes and turn on cancer suppressor genes. Eat a rainbow of colors and you will be supplying plant chemicals found in foods that are messengers capable of talking to your DNA. These plant based messengers can signal production of powerful anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory factors, regulate cell growth, blood sugar, and metabolism. The study of Nutrigenomics has provided us with a growing body of scientific evidence that good dietary choices can help prevent the onset of cancer and maybe even help cure it.
If you are ready to take charge of your health and your survival, The Whole Foods Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors is a must read.
To get started right now read about the Top High Lignan Foods that Lower Breast Cancer Risk
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult with a professional health care provider when making health, diet and lifestyle choices.