OutSmart Cancer® Blog

Cervical Cancer Part 2 of 3 | How to Take Control Naturally

Cervical Cancer Part 2 of 3 How To Prevent Cervical Cancer Naturally:What Can You Do To Save Your Own Life? No one should be diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. Here is how you can take charge of...
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Cervical Cancer Part 1 of 3: How Take Control Naturally

Cervical Cancer Part 1 of 3 What Is Cervical Cancer? What Causes Cervical Cancer? Are You High Risk? With our current knowledge of cervical cancer and with proper screening and attention to health and prevention, we...
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16 Tips for Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout

TIPS 1. Eat breakfast. Emphasize protein rather than carbohydrates at breakfast. 2. Eat protein at every meal to support stamina, endurance and immunity. 3. Include healthy fats and oils to calm your system. 4. Keep blood...
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Habits of Health, Happiness and Wellbeing | Nurturing the Positive Side of Human Nature

It turns out that what is good for Happiness and Wellbeing is also supremely good for Health. Acts of kindness, appreciation and thoughtfulness not only have a positive impact on our own wellbeing, our friends...
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Chemotherapy Fatigue | Relief with Ashwaganda

Chemotherapy Fatigue is real All patients receiving chemotherapy suffer toxic side effects. The most common complaint is chemotherapy related fatigue. A recent study found that that Stage 2 and Stage 3 breast cancer patients undergoing...
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7 Reasons To Eat Cranberries | Cancer Fighting Superfood

Cranberries are one of the great Superfoods rich in plant antoxidants and cancer fighting phytochemicals called proanthocyanadins (PACs). Here are Seven Reasons To Eat Cranberries This Season and All Year Long 1. Super Antioxidant Cell Protective...
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FDA Tampering with our Food? Say No!

Late last year the FDA quietly took a major step toward approving AquaBounty’s “frankenfish” genetically modified salmon. Its approval would be a radical move by the FDA – the first genetically modified animal ever to enter our food...
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Flu Fighting Tips | Mobilize Your Immune System

FLU FIGHTING TIPS | MOBILIZE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Be prepared for flu season. Protect yourself and your children from cold and  flu viruses. Mobilize your immunity and improve both resistance to and response to infections...
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Non Stick Cookware | Does It Cause Cancer?

When non-stick cookware first came onto the market,  we celebrated that at last  we had a way cook with less fat and oil. Healthier right? Well, yes and no. Yes, it is healthier to cook with...
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Organic? GMO? How To Read Bar Codes on Food

Learn to decipher the labels on your food! Sometimes it can be tricky to know what you’re serving yourself and your family. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) have not undergone long-term testing. The fact is, by...
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BPA Plastics Linked to Cancer | How to Avoid Everyday Exposures

DONT EAT THIS SOUP! Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most ubiquitous and toxic chemicals in our modern environment. It is part of our modern life. It is not possible to avoid exposure to BPA,...
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WORLD CANCER DAY: Cancer Is Not A Death Sentence

WORLD CANCER DAY: CANCER FACTS  FEBRUARY 4 2013 Cancer isn’t a death sentence: advances in understanding risk and prevention, early detection, treatment and care can lead to improved outcomes for patients. Cancer isn’t a death sentence:...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.