ovarian cancer

Calculate Your Risk of Breast Cancer with this iphone app

If you know your risk you can take action and engage in Breast Cancer Prevention. You can address lifestyle changes. You can prevent cancer and cultivate health. You can learn about alternative cancer resources that...
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Healthy Medicine: A New Model of Cancer Care

An Interview with Dr. Robert Zieve, M.D. After a near death experience five years ago, Dr. Robert Zieve, M.D. became inspired to manifest his vision: Healthy Medicine: A New Mainstream in Health Care, an integrated...
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How Will We Get A National Cancer Prevention Plan?

How will we get a national cancer prevention plan in the United States? Only by demanding one. This is the statement of Dr. Margaret Kripke and the Breast Cancer Fund.  Here is the text of...
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lower your cancer risk

Stop Cancer & Heart Disease

One Path to Health and Longevity: Stop Cancer and Heart Disease Following an Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Lowers Risk of Death from Heart Disease and All Causes A study of more than 100,000 men and women over...
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B Vitamin May Be of Value in Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer

Niacinamide, a B Vitamin, may be of value to women with genetic risk of Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer. Why are some women more prone to developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer? This is a...
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10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Women

Today one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Fifty years ago it was one in fifty women. In our lifetimes it is estimated that one in two women will be diagnosed with...
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Do You Know the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer? | Silent and Deadly

September is  Women’s Cancer Month and Ovarian Cancer Month.  Let’s get real.  This is serious. Ovarian Cancer is the deadliest of women’s cancers. It is silent and it kills. 1 in 70 women in the United States...
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How To Recognize Cancer | Healthy Woman Checklist Part Two

In Part 1 of 16 Signs of Women’s Cancers I discuss important reasons why every woman must take control of monitoring changes in her own body. Because of the staggering statistic that one on three...
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How Exercise Can Dramatically Lower Cancer Risk

The Bottom Line and the Good News is  MORE EXERCISE AND ACTIVITY = LESS CANCER RISK, less stress, increased weight loss, better sleep, improved mood, less risk of heart disease and a better quality of...
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Ten Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer | The Silent Killer

Ovarian Cancer, often called “The Silent Killer”, is one of the most deadly cancers in women. According to the American Cancer Society  only 20-30 percent of women diagnosed with late stage Ovarian Cancer are alive...
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Top High Lignan Foods that Lower Breast Cancer Risk

This Unique Plant Chemical Could Prevent Estrogen-Related Cancer Postmenopausal women who consume diets rich in a plant chemicals called lignans have a lower risk of breast cancer. A review of 21 studies from the German Cancer Research...
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cancer, health is wealth

How To Recognize Cancer: The Healthy Woman Checklist Part One

Cancer is scary. Health is precious. Losing our health and well-being, especially to a deadly and life-threatening disease such as cancer, is often in our own hands at first. If we are paying close attention...
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Dr. Nalini's Supplement Guide

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.

GET YOUR FREE GUIDE: The Cancer-Fighting Supplements To Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Gain access to the same supplement list that Dr. Nalini provides her clinic: Supplements & Herbs For Every Stage Of The Cancer Journey.