Recipe: Anti Cancer Diet Approved! Super Nutritious Gazpacho Soup

Here is  a super healthy, easy and fast recipe with ingredients found in the Mediterranean Diet from brilliant and creative nutritionist Cristiana Paul. Here is a dish that is truly food as medicine!!

Cristiana’s Creamy Gazpacho Soup (raw vegetables blend):

Blend first:

  • 4 medium tomatoes (preferably Campari-Eurofresh-these taste amazing) or cherry tomatoes (more skin!!!)
  • 1/2 cucumber

This creates a juicy base. Then add as desired:

  • 1/3 red bell pepper
  • a few baby carrots
  • 1/8 cabbage or broccoli (but cabbage tastes so much better in my opinion)
  • 1-2tsp olive oil
  • maybe add also 1/4 avocado

Then you can also add per taste or substitute as you wish: onion, garlic, celery, spinach, broccoli, etc. Some people like to add a green apple. May also add flax seeds. Of course you can add a Greens Powder concentrate for more phytonutrients!*

This raw soup tastes great on its own, but try mixing in some unsweetened and unflavored whey powder**. It creates the impression that cream has been added.

NUTRITIOUS and  quick!!

NB from Dr. Nalini: I use *Paleo Greens unflavored and **Whey Cool unsweetened/unflavored both by Designs for Health (available in our clinic dispensary)

I like to add fresh herbs such as parsley, oregano, basil or mint as well!!! These herbs are particularly rich in plant antioxidant flavones and flavonols such as apigenin, carnosol, and essential oils known to promote anti-inflammatory and digestive function and may have anti-cancer properties.

And if you like you can add fresh garlic or a little cayenne to spice it up!

Traditional gazpacho is made with the addition of lemon juice which can also be included.

Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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