Recipe: Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Indian Spices

Whole Roasted Cauliflower With Indian Spices Recipe
Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Indian Spices Recipe
Credit: Kevin O’Mara Flickr

This quick roasted cauliflower makes a great side dish, or even the base of a hearty vegetarian entrée.

This delicious recipe is not only made with simple, whole ingredients, it’s packed with many health benefits.

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has been shown to kill cancer stem cells. Some researchers believe eliminating cancer stem cells may be key to controlling cancer.

Research shows that combining cauliflower with curcumin (found in the spice turmeric) may help prevent and treat prostate cancer.

Coconut milk is rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and iron. Phosphorus is a nutrient that works with calcium to prevent bone loss and supplies the body with phosphates, key for the building of bone.

These simple ingredients come together to create a simple, flavorful dish that helps you fight cancer in the kitchen and build a strong body. 

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian

Yield: 6 servings

Active Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour


1 head organic cauliflower
1/4 cups organic coconut milk
2 teaspoons sea salt
1/2 teaspoon organic black pepper
1 tablespoon organic cumin
1 tablespoon organic garlic powder
2 teaspoons organic turmeric
2 tablespoons organic chili powder
1 tablespoon organic lime juice and zest


  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and grease a small baking sheet with coconut oil.

2. Trim the base of the cauliflower, removing the woody stem and green leaves.

3. In a wide bowl, combine the coconut milk with the salt, pepper, spices, and lime zest and juice.

4. Holding the cauliflower by its base, dunk into the bowl, coating the entire head with the marinade.

5. Place the cauliflower on the prepared baking sheet. Transfer to oven and roast, 40 minutes, or until exterior is dry to the touch. Let cool slightly, then slice into wedges.

Recipe Credit: Thrive Market

Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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