Recipe: Broccoli with Toasted Walnuts | Anti-Cancer Superfoods

Here is a simple, easy to prepare dish made with two of the top cancer fighting super foods, walnuts rich in healthy oils and broccoli rich in sulphoraphanes. Adding cruciferous cabbage family vegetables is a core part of an anti-cancer diet.


  • 2-3 Tbsp. coarsely chopped walnut pieces
  • 1 lb. broccoli, stems peeled and sliced thin and florets separated
  • 2 tsp.  sesame oil, coconut oil, olive oil or ghee
  • 2 scallions, thinly sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 2 tsp. gluten free non GMO soy sauce or Braggs


  • In a small skillet, toast the walnuts over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes, until the nuts are lightly browned. Set aside. (or put the nuts in cast iron pan inside a toaster oven for 2-3 minutes)
  • Place broccoli in a steamer basket
  • Steam for 4-5 minutes covered
  • Remove brocolli from steamer immediately (florets should be bright green and still crunchy)
  • In a large bowl, combine the oil, scallions, garlic and soy sauce. Add the broccoli and toss well. Top with walnuts . Serve at room temperature.


  • Use toasted  hazelnuts, pine nuts, or almonds in place of walnuts
  • Toss with dried cranberries
  • Add 2 teaspoons fresh chopped Thai Basil or Purple basil
  • Use toasted sesame oil and add 1 -2 teaspoons of Rice Wine Vinegar for an authentic Japanese taste
  • Make this dish with 1/2 lb. of brocolli and 1/2 lb. of cauliflower

Makes 4 servings.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dr. Nalini Chilkov
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac. OMD, is the creator and Founder of the OutSmart Cancer® System. She has lectured worldwide and at the Schools of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine and is a frequent expert resource to the media. Dr. Chilkov brings the wisdom and insight of over 35 years of experience with thousands of patients.
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